Juji: Pistis Sophia - Book One (part I.)


Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Pistis Sophia - Book One (part I.)

15 éve | [Törölt felhasználó] | 0 hozzászólás

Translated by Carl Schmidt and Violet MacDermott


But it happened that after Jesus had risen from the dead he spent eleven years speaking with his disciples . And he taught them only as far as the places of the first ordinance and as far as the places of the First Mystery, which is within the veil which is within the first ordinance, which is the 24th mystery outside and below , these which are in the second space of the First Mystery, which is before all mysteries the Father in the form of a dove . And Jesus said to his disciples : "I have come forth from that First Mystery which is the last mystery, namely the 24th"..

And the disciples did not know and understand that there was anything within that mystery. But they thought that that mystery was the head of the All , and the head of all the things that exist . And they thought that it was the completion of all completions, because Jesus had said to them concerning the mystery, that it surrounded the first ordinance and the five incisions and the great light and the five helpers (parastatai) and the whole Treasury of Light. And moreover Jesus had not spoken to his disciples of the whole extent of the places of the great invisible one and the three triple powers and the 24 invisible ones and all their places and their aeons and all their ranks, how they extend - these which are the emanations of the great invisible one - and their unbegotten ones and their self-begotten ones and their begotten ones and their luminaries and their unpaired ones and their archons and their powers (exousiai) and their lords and their archangels and their angels and their decans and their ministers and all the houses of their spheres and all the ranks of each one of them.

And Jesus had not told his disciples of the whole extent of the emanations of the treasury, nor their ranks how they extend, nor had he told them of their saviours, according to the rank of each one, how they are. Nor had he told them which watcher is over each of the doors of the Treasury of Light. Nor had he told them of the place of the twin saviour who is the child of the child. Nor had he told them of the place of the three amens, in which places they extend, and he had not told them in which places the five trees are spread, nor of the seven other amens, namely the seven voices, which their place is and how they extend. And Jesus had not told his disciples of what type are the five helpers (Parastatai). Or into which places they are brought. Nor had he told them in what manner the great light extends, or into which places it is brought- Nor had he told them of the five incisions, nor concerning the first ordinance, into which places they are brought. But he had only spoken to them in general, teaching them that they existed. But he had not told them their extent and the rank of their places according to how they exist. Because of this they also did not know that other places existed within that mystery. And he had not said to his disciples : "I came forth from such and such places until I entered that mystery, until I came forth from it." But he had said to them as hen thaught them : "I came forth from that mystery".

Because of this they thought now of that mystery that it was the completion of all completions, and that it was the head of the All, and that it was (the) whole pleroma, since Jesus had said to his disciples : "That mystery surrounds the totalities of which I have told you all from the day on which I met you until today". Because of this the disciples thought now that there was nothing existing within that mystery..


It happened as the disciples were sitting with one another upon the Mount of Olives, as they spoke these words they rejoiced with great joy, and they were very jubilant, and they said to one another: "We are blessed beyond all men who are on earth because the Saviour has revealed these things to us, and we have received the pleroma and the whole completion". As they were saying these things to one another, Jesus was sitting at a short distance from them.

It happened, however, on the 1st of the moon in the month of Tôbe, which is the day on which the moon becomes full, now on that day when the sun had risen on its path , there came forth after it a great power of light, giving a very great light, and there was no measure to its accompanying light , for it came forth from the Light of Lights, exceedingly, with (a) light to which there was no measure.

And the disciples gazed after him, and not one of them spoke until he had reached heaven, but they all kept a great silence. Now these things happened on the 15th of the moon, on the day on which it is full in the month of Tôbe.

Now it happened when Jesus went up to heaven, after three hours all the powers of the heavens were disturbed, and they all shook against one another, they and all their aeons, and all their places and all their ranks and the whole earth moved with all who dwelt upon it. And all the men in the world were agitated, and also the disciples. And they all thought : "Perhaps the world will be rolled up". And all the powers which are in the heavens did not cease from their agitation, they and the whole world, and they all moved against one another from the third hour of the 15th of the moon in (the month of) Tôbe until the ninth hour of the following day. And all the angels and their archangels and all the powers of the height all sang praises to the innermost of the inner , so that the whole world heard their voices, and they did not cease until the ninth hour of the following day.


Now it happened when the light-power had come down upon Jesus, it gradually surrounded him completely.

Then Jesus rose or ascended to the height, giving light exceedingly, with (a) light to which there was no measure.

And the disciples gazed after him, and not one of them spoke until he had reached heaven, but they all kept a great silence. Now these things happened on the 1st of the moon, on the day on which it is full in the month of Tôbe.

Now it happened when Jesus went up to heaven, after three hours all the powers of the heavens were disturbed, and they all shook against one another , they and all their aeons, and all their places and all their ranks and the whole earth moved with all who dwelt upon it. And all the men in the world were agitated, and also the disciples. And they all thought : "Perhaps the world will be rolled up". And all the powers which are in the heavens did not cease from their agitation, they and the whole world, and they all moved against one another from the third hour of the 1st of the moon in (the month on Tôbe until the ninth hour of the following day. And all the angels and their archangels and all the powers of the height all sang praises to the innermost of the inner , so that the whole world heard their voices, and they did not cease until the ninth hour of the following day.


The disciples, however, sat with one another in fear, and were greatly agitated. ( They were afraid, however, on account of the great earthquake which happened, and they wept together, saying: "What will happen now? Perhaps the Saviour will destroy all the places".

As they were saying these things and were weeping to one another, on the ninth hour of the following day the heavens opened, and they saw Jesus coming down, giving light exceedingly, and there was no measure to the light in which he was. For he gave more light than in the hour -that he went up to heaven, so that the men in the world were not able to speak of the light which was his, and it cast forth very many rays of light, and there was no measure to its rays. And his light was not equal throughout, but it was of different kinds, and it was of different types, so that some were many times superior to others, and the whole light together was in three forms, and the one was many times superior to the other; the second which was in the middle was superior to the first which was below; and the third which was above them all was superior to the second which was below. And the first ray which was below them all was similar to the light which had come down upon Jesus before he went up to heaven, and it was quite equal to it in its light. And the three light-forms were of different kinds of light and they were of different types. And some were many times superior to others.


It happened, however, when the disciples saw these they were greatly afraid and agitated. Now Jesus, the compassionate and tender-hearted, when he saw that his disciples were in great agitation, he spoke to them saying : "Be courageous. It is I, do not fear" .


Now it happened when the disciples heard these words, they said : "Lord, if it be thou, draw thy light-glory to thyself so that we can stand, otherwise our eyes are darkened and we are agitated, and also the whole world is agitated 1, because of the great light which is thine".

Then Jesus drew to himself the glory of his light. And when this had happened all the disciples took courage, they came before Jesus, they all prostrated themselves at the same time, they worshipped him, rejoicing with great joy. They said to him : "Rabbi, where didst thou go, or what was thy service in which thou didst go, or for what reason were all these disturbances and all these earthquakes which happened ?".

Then Jesus, the compassionate, said to them : "Rejoice and be glad from this hour because I have been to the places from whence I came forth. From today onwards now I will speak with you openly from the beginning of the truth until its completion. And I will speak with you face to face, without parable . I will not conceal from you, from this hour onwards, anything of the things of the height and of the place of the truth . For I have been given authority , through the Ineffable and through the First Mystery of all the mysteries, that I should speak with you from the beginning until the pleroma, and from within outwards, and from without inwards. Hear now, so that I tell you all things.

It happened as I was sitting at a short distance from you upon the Mount of Olives, I was thinking of the rank of the service for which I was sent, that it should be completed, and that my garment was not yet sent to me by the First Mystery, which is the 24th mystery from within outwards.

These (24 mysteries) are in the second space of the First Mystery in the rank of that space. It happened now when I knew that the rank of the service for which I had been sent was completed, and that that mystery had not yet sent me the garment, which I had left behind within it until the time was completed - as I thought of these things, I was sitting upon the Mount of Olives at a short distance from you.


It happened when the sun rose in the East now after- wards, through the First Mystery which had existed from the beginning, because of which ( the All existed, from which I myself have come just now - not prior to my crucifixion , but now - it happened through the command of that mystery, it sent me my garment of light, which it had given to me from the beginning, which I had left behind in the last mystery which is the 24th mystery from within outwards, these (24 mysteries) which are in the ranks of the second space of the First Mystery. That garment (of light) now I had left behind in the last mystery until the time was completed that I should put it on me, and that I should begin to speak with the race of mankind, and reveal to them all things from the beginning of the truth until its completion, and speak to them from the innermost of the inner to the outermost of the outer, and from the outermost of the outer to the innermost of the inner. Rejoice and be glad , and rejoice still more, that it is given to you that I should speak with you first from the beginning of the truth until its completion. Because of this indeed I have chosen you from the beginning ( through the First Mystery. Rejoice now and be glad , because when I entered the world I brought the twelve powers with me, as I told you from the beginning, which I took from the twelve saviours of the Treasury of Light, according to the command of the First Mystery.

These now I cast into the wombs of your mothers when I came into the world, and it is these which are in your bodies today. For these powers have been given to you above the whole world, for you are those who are able to save the whole world, so that you should be able to withstand the threat of the archons of the world, and the sufferings of the world and their dangers, and all their persecutions which the archons of the height will bring upon you. For I have said to you many times that the power which is within you I have brought from the twelve saviours, which are in the Treasury of Light. For this reason I have indeed said to you from the beginning that you are not from the world; I also am not from it . For all men who are in the world have received souls from (the power) of the archons of the aeons. The power, however, which is in you, is from me but your souls belong to the height. I have brought twelve powers of the twelve saviours of the Treasury of the Light, taking them from the part of my power which I received at first. And when I entered the world I came to the midst of the archons of the sphere, and I took the likeness of Gabriel, the Angel of the aeons, and the archers of the aeons did not recognize me . But they thought that I was the Angel Gabriel. Now it happened that when I came into the midst of the archons of the aeons, I looked down at the world of mankind, at the command of the First Mystery.

I found Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist , before she had conceived him and I cast into her a power which I had received from the Little Jao , the Good, who is in the Midst, so that he should be able to preach before me, and prepare my way and baptise with water of forgiveness .

Now that power was in the body of John. And again, in place of the soul of the archons which he was due to receive, I found the soul of the prophet Elias in the aeons of the sphere; and I took it in and I took his soul again; I brought it to the Virgin of the Light, and she gave it to her paralemptors . They brought it to the sphere of the archons, and they cast it into the womb of Elisabeth. But the power of the Little Jao, he of the Midst, and the soul of the prophet Elias were bound in the body of John the Baptist.

You doubted now at the time when I spoke to you because John said : 'I am not the Christ' and you said to me : 'lt is written in the scripture : when the Christ shall come, there will come Elias before him and he will prepare his way'. But when you said this to me, I said to you : 'Elias has indeed come and he has prepared all things, as it is written : And they did to him as they pleased. And when I knew that you did not understand what I said to you concerning the soul of Elias, which was bound in John the Baptist, I answered you openly in speech, face to face, saying : 'If it pleases you to accept John the Baptist, he is Elias of whom I have said that he will come'".


Jesus continued again speaking and said: "Now it happened after this, through the command of the First Mystery, I looked down again upon the world of mankind, I found Mary, who is called my mother according to the material body. I spoke to her in the type of Gabriel , and when she turned to the height towards me, I cast into her the first power which I had received from the Barbelo, which is the body which I wore in the height. And in place of the soul, I cast into her the power which I received from the great Sabaoth, the Good , who is in the place of the right. And the twelve powers of the twelve saviours of the Treasury of the Light, which I received from the twelve servers which are in the Midst, I cast into the sphere of the archons. And the decans of the archons and their ministers thought that they were souls of the archons, and the ministers brought them, they bound them in the bodies of your mothers. And when your times were completed, they bore you into the world without there being souls of the archons in you. And you have received your parts from the power which the last helper (parastates) had breathed into the mixture, this (power) which is mixed with all the invisible ones and all the archons and all the aeons. In a word, it is mixed with the world of destruction, namely the mixture.

This (power) which, from the beginning, I brought out of myself, I cast into the first ordinance. And the first ordinance cast a part of it into the great light. And the great light cast a part of what it received into the five helpers (parastatai), and the last helper (parastates) took a part from what it received and cast it into the mixture. And (the part) has come to be in all who are in the mixture, as I have just said to you." Now Jesus was saying these things to his disciples upon the Mount of Olives. Jesus now continued again in the discourse with his disciples: "Rejoice and be glad , and add joy to your joy, because the times are completed that I should put on my garment which was prepared for me from the beginning, which I left behind in the last mystery until the time of its completion. But the time of its completion is the time when I am commanded by the First Mystery to speak to you from the beginning of the truth to its fulfillment, and from the innermost of the inner (to the outermost of the outer), because the world will be saved by you. Rejoice and be glad because you are blessed beyond all men upon earth, because it is you who will save the whole world.".


It happened now when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, he continued again with the discourse, and he said to them : "Behold, I have put on my garment and all authority is given to me through the First Mystery.

Yet a little time, and I will tell you ( the mystery of the All and the pleroma of the All, and I will not hide anything from you from this hour, but in completion I will complete you in every pleroma and in every completion and in every mystery ; these are the completion of all completions and the Pleroma of all Pleromas and the gnosis of all gnoses, these which are in my garment. I will tell you all the mysteries from the outermost of the outer to the innermost of the inner. Hear, nevertheless, and I will tell you everything which has happened to me.


It happened now when the sun rose in the East, a great power of light came down, in which was my garment which I had left in the 24th mystery, as I have just been telling you. And I found a mystery in my garment, written in the manner of writing of those of the height :<lacuna untranslatable> whose interpretation is : 'O Mystery which art outside the world , because of which the All exists - this is the whole coming forth and the whole ascent which has emanated all emanations and all that is within them, and because of which all mysteries and all their places exist - come forth to us because we are thy fellow-members.

But we all with thee alone, we and thou are one and the same. Thou art the First Mystery which has existed from the beginning in the Ineffable One, before he went forth, and the name of that one is all of us. Now all together we will approach thee at the last boundary , which is the last mystery from within, itself a part of us. Now we have sent thee thy garment which has belonged to thee from the beginning, which thou didst leave in the last boundary, which is the last mystery from within, until its time was completed according to the command of the First Mystery.

Behold, the time is completed. Put it on, come to us, that we all approach thee to put on thee the First Mystery with all his glory, through his own command; as the First Mystery, having two garments , has given it to us that we should put it on thee, apart from this which we have sent thee because thou art worthy, since thou art first among us and thou didst exist before us . Because of this the First Mystery has sent to thee through us the mystery of his whole glory, having two garments. That is, in the first is all the glory of all the names of all the mysteries and all the emanations and the ranks of the spaces of the Ineffable One. And in the second garment is the whole glory of the name of all the mysteries and all the emanations which are in the ranks of the two spaces of the First Mystery. And in this garment which we have now sent thee is the glory of the name of the mystery of the informer, which is the first ordinance, and the mystery of the five incisions, and the mystery of the great messenger of the Ineffable, who is the great light, and the mystery of the five leaders who are the five helpers (parastatai). And furthermore, there is in that garment the glory of the name of the mystery of all the ranks of the emanations of the Treasury of the Light, and their saviours, and (the mystery on the ranks of the ranks, which are the seven amens and the seven voices and the five trees and the three amens and the twin saviour, namely the child of the child, and the mystery of the nine watchers of the three gates of the Treasury of the Light . And furthermore there is in it the whole glory of the name (of all those) who are on the right, and all those who are in the Midst. And furthermore there is in it the whole glory of the name of the great invisible one, who is the great forefather , and the mystery of the triple power, and the mystery, of their whole place, and the mystery, of all their invisible ones and of all those who are in the thirteenth aeon , and the name of the twelve aeons and of all their archons and all their archangels and all their angels, and of all those which are in the twelve aeons, and the whole mystery, of the names of all those which are in the Heimarmene and all the heavens.

And the whole mystery of the name of all those in the sphere, and their firmaments and all those which are in them, and all their places. Behold now, we have sent thee that garment which no one knew, from the first ordinance downwards, because the glory of its light was hidden within it. And the spheres and all the places from the first ordinance downwards (did not know it). Behold now, put on this garment quickly.

Come to us that we approach thee to put on thee thy two garments, through the command of the First Mystery they having been for thee with the First Mystery since the beginning until the time appointed by the Ineffable One which contained their name. They were exceedingly afraid and all their bonds in which they were bound were loosened, and each one abandoned his rank. And they all prostrated themselves in my presence, they worshipped, saying : 'How has the Lord of the All passed through us without our knowing?' And they all sang praises at once to the innermost of the inner. However they did not see me, but they saw the light alone and they were in great fear . And they were greatly agitated, and they sang praises to the innermost of the inner.


It happened now, when I saw the mystery, of all these words in the garment which was sent to me, I put it on in that hour, and I gave light exceedingly, and I flew to the height, and I came before the gate of the firmament, shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had. And the gates of the firmament were agitated against one another, and they all opened at the same time.

And all the archons and all the powers (exousiai) and all the angels therein were all agitated at the same time because of the great light which I had. And they looked upon the shining garment of light which I wore, they saw the mystery is completed. Behold the time is completed. Come now quickly to us that we put them on thee, until thou hast completed the whole service of the completion of the First Mystery, which is appointed by the Ineffable One. Come now quickly to us that we put them on thee, according to the command of the First Mystery. For yet a little time, an insignificant one, and thou wilt come to us and leave the world. Come now quickly, and thou shalt receive the whole glory which is the glory of the First Mystery ii. It happened now, when I saw the mystery, of all these words in the garment which was sent to me, I put it on in that hour, and I gave light exceedingly, and I flew to the height, and I came before the gate of the firmament, shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had. And the gates of the firmament were agitated against one another, and they all opened at the same time.

And all the archons and all the powers (exousiai) and all the angels therein were all agitated at the same time because of the great light which I had. And they looked upon the shining garment of light which I wore, they saw the mystery of their name within it. And they were increasingly agitated and they were in great fear, saying : "How has the Lord of the All passed through without our knowing?" And all their bonds were loosened, and their places and their ranks.

And each one abandoned his rank. And they all prostrated themselves at the same time, they all worshipped in my presence or in the presence of my garment. And they all sang praises at the same time to the innermost of the inner, being in great fear and great agitation.


Nevertheless I left that place behind me, I came up to the first sphere shining exceedingly, 49 times more than when I gave light within the firmament. Now it happened when I reached the gate of the first sphere, its gates were agitated and they opened of themselves at the same time.

I came into the houses of the spheres shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had. And all the archons and all those who were in that sphere were agitated together. And they saw the great light which I had.

And they looked upon my garment, they saw the mystery of their name within it. And they were increasingly agitated, and they were in great fear, saying: 'How, has the Lord of the All passed through us without our knowing?' And all their bonds were loosened, and their places and their ranks. And each one abandoned his rank. And they all prostrated themselves at the same time, they all worshipped in my presence or in the presence of my garment. And they all sang praises at the same time to the innermost of the inner, being in great fear and great agitation.



And I left that place behind me, I came to the gate of the second sphere, which is the Heimarmene. But all its gates were agitated and they opened of themselves . And I entered into the houses of the Heimarmene, shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had, for I was shining in the Heimarmene 49 times more than in the sphere. And all the archons and all those who are in the Heimarmene were agitated and they fell upon one another, and were in very great fear as they saw the great light which I had. And they looked at my garment of light, they saw the mystery of their name in my garment, and they were increasingly agitated. They were in great fear, saying : 'How has the Lord of the All passed through us without our knowing?' And all the bonds of their places and their ranks and their houses were loosened. They all came at the same time, they prostrated themselves, they worshipped in my presence. And they all sang praises at the same time to the innermost of the inner, being in great fear and great agitation.



And I left that place behind me, I came upwards to the great aeons of the archons, I came before their veils and their gates shining exceedingly, and there was no measure to the light which I had. Now it happened when I reached the twelve aeons , their veils and their gates were agitated against one another. The veils drew themselves aside and the gates opened of themselves , and I entered into their aeons shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had, 49 times greater than the light with which I was shining in the houses of the Heimarmene. And all the angels of the aeons and their archangels and their archons and their gods and their lords and their powers (exousiai) and their tyrants and their powers and their light-sparks and their luminaries and their unpaired ones and their invisible ones and their forefathers and their triple-powered glories, they saw me shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had. And they were agitated against one another, and great fear came upon them as they saw the great light which I had. And their great agitation and their great fear reached to the place of the great invisible forefather and the three great triple-powered ones. However, because of the great fear from their agitation, the great forefather continued to run from side to side in his place, he and the three triple-powered ones, and they could not close all their places because of the great fear in which they were. And they moved all their aeons at the same time, and all their spheres, and all their orders, fearing and greatly agitated because of the great light which I had. Not as at the time when I had it, in which I was upon the earth of mankind, when the garment of light came down upon me, for the world would not be able to bear the light as it is in its reality, else the world and all that is upon it would be dissolved at the same time. But the light which I had in the twelve aeons was 8700 myriad times greater than that which I had with you in the world.


Now it happened when all those that were in the twelve aeons saw the great light which I had, they were all agitated against one another, and they ran from side to side in the aeons. And all the aeons and all the heavens and their whole order moved against one another, because of the great fear which they had because they did not know the mystery which had happened. And Adamas, the great tyrant , and all the tyrants which are in all the aeons began to wage war in vain against the light. And they did not know against whom they waged war, because they saw nothing except the greatly surpassing light.

Now it happened when they waged war against the light, they were all exhausted together, and they were cast down into the aeons, and they became like the earth-dwellers who are dead and have no breath in them. And I took a third part of all their power so that they should not work their wicked actions, and in order that when men who are in the world call upon them in their mysteries - those which the transgressing angels brought down, namely their magic - that when now they call upon them in their wicked actions, they are not able to complete them. And (as for) the Heimarmene and the sphere over which they rule, I turned them and caused them to spend six months turned to the left, as they complete their (periods of) influence, and to look to the right for six months, as they complete their (periods on influence. However, through the command of the first ordinance and through the command of the First Mystery, Jeu the Overseer of the Light had placed them so that they were looking to the left at all times, as they completed their (periods of) influence and their actions.


Now it happened when I came to their place, they rebelled and waged war against the light. And I took a third part of their power, so that they should not be able to complete their wicked actions. And (as for) the Heimarmene and the sphere over which they rule, I turned them, I placed them looking to the left for six months, as they complete their (periods of) influence, and I placed them for another six months turning to the right, as they complete their (periods of) influence.


Now when he had said these things to his disciples, he said to them : "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" .

Now it happened when Mariam heard these words as the Saviour was saying them, she stared for one hour into the air and said : "My Lord, command me that I speak openly".

Jesus, the compassionate, answered and said to Mariam : "Mariam, thou blessed one, whom I will complete in all the mysteries of the height, speak openly, thou art she whose heart is more directed to the Kingdom of Heaven than all thy brothers".


Then Mariam said to the Saviour: "My Lord, the word which thou hast spoken to us : 'Who has ears to hear, let him hear', thou sayest so that we may understand the word which thou hast spoken. Hear now, my Lord, for I will speak openly. The word which thou hast spoken: 'I have taken a third part of the power of the archons of all the aeons, and I have turned their Heimarmene and their sphere over which they rule, so that when the race of mankind call upon them in their mysteries - these which the transgressing angels have taught them for the completion of their evil and iniquitous deeds in the mystery of their magic - from this hour now they should not be able to complete their iniquitous deeds, because thou hast taken their power from them and from their astrologers and from their soothsayers and from those who tell men who are in the world all things which will happen, so that from this hour they will not understand anything which will happen so as to tell it. For thou hast turned their sphere, and thou hast made them spend six months turned to the left, completing their (periods of) influence, and six months looking to the right, completing their (periods of) influence.' Now concerning this word, my Lord, the power within the prophet Isaiah has spoken thus and has related once in a spiritual parable, speaking about the vision of Egypt : 'Where now Egypt, where are thy soothsayers and thy astrologers, and those who call from the earth, and those who call from their bellies? Let them now tell thee, from this hour, the things which the Lord Sabaoth will do.' Now before thou didst come, the power within Isaiah, the prophet, prophesied concerning thee, that thou wouldst take away the power of the archons of the aeons, and that thou wouldst turn their sphere and their Heimarmene, so that from this hour they would know nothing. Concerning this also it has said : 'You will not know what the Lord Sabaoth will do'. That is, none of the archons will know what things thou wilt do from this hour. They (the archons) are Egypt, because they are matter. The power within Isaiah has once prophesied about thee saying : 'You will not know from this hour what the Lord Sabaoth will do' Concerning the power of light which thou hast taken from Sabaoth the Good, who is in the place of the right, and which today is in thy material body, concerning this now, thou hast said to us, my Lord Jesus: 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear, so that thou shouldst know whose heart is directed towards the Kingdom of Heaven.".


Now it happened when Maria finished saying these words, he said : "Excellent, Maria. Thou art blessed beyond all women upon earth, because thou shalt be the pleroma of all Pleromas and the completion of all completions." But when Maria heard the Saviour saying these words, she rejoiced greatly and she came before Jesus, she prostrated herself in his presence, she worshipped at his feet, she said to him : "My Lord, hear me that I question thee on this word before thou speakest with us of the places to which thou hast gone".

Jesus answered and said to Mariam : "Speak openly and do not fear. I will reveal all things which thou seekest".


She said : "My Lord, all men who know the mystery of the magic of all the archons of all the aeons, and the magic of the archons of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere, as the transgressing angels have taught them, when they call upon them in their mysteries, that is their evil magic to prevent good things: will they, from this hour, fulfill them or not?" Then Jesus answered and said to Maria : "They will not fulfill them in the manner in which they fulfilled them from the beginning, because I have taken a third part of their power. But they will borrow from those who know the mysteries of the magic of the third aeon. And when they call upon the mysteries of the magic of those who are in the third aeon, they will fulfill them well and certainly because I have not taken power from that place, according to the command of the First Mystery".


It happened, however, when Jesus finished speaking these words, Maria answered again and said : "My Lord, will the astrologers and the soothsayers not tell men, from this hour, what will happen?" Jesus answered, however, and said to Maria : "When the astrologers find the Heimarmene and the sphere turned to the left, according to their first distribution, then their words concur and they will say what is due to happen. But when they meet the Heimarmene or the sphere turned to the right, they do not speak anything of the truth, because I have turned their (periods of) influence and their quadrangles and their triangles and their figures of eight , since their (periods of) influence remained turned to the left from the beginning, together with their quadrangles and their triangles and their figures of eight. However, I have now caused them to spend six months turned to the left, and six months turned to the right. He who now will find their reckoning from the time when I turned them, placing them to spend six months looking to their left hand parts, and six months looking to their right hand paths, and who will now consult them in this way, will know their (periods of) influence with certainty, and he will predict all things that they will do.

Likewise also the soothsayers, when they call upon the name of the archons, and they meet them looking to the left, everything concerning which they will seek of their decans, they will tell them with certainty. However, when their soothsayers call upon their names as they are looking to the right, they will not hear them, because they look in another form than their first ordinance in which Jeu established them, since their names are other when they are turned to the left than when they are turned to the right. And when they call upon them as they are turned to the right, they will not speak the truth to them, but in confusion they will confuse them, and with threats they will threaten them.

Those now who do not know their paths as they are turned to the right, with their triangles and their quadrangles and all their figures, they will find nothing of truth, but they will be confused in great confusion, and they will be in great error, and they will be deluded in great delusion, because the works which they did in the time when they were turned to the left in their quadrangles, in their triangles and in their figures of eight, these in which they continued as they were turned to the left, I have now turned. And I have caused them to spend six months making all their patterns turned to the right, so that they should be confused in confusion in their whole circuit. And furthermore I have caused them to spend six months turned to the left, doing the works of their (periods of) influence and all their patterns, so that the archons which are in the aeons and in their spheres and in their heavens and in all their places should be confused in confusion, and should wander in error, so that they should not understand their own paths".


It happened when Jesus finished saying these words, Philip sat writing every word as Jesus said them. Now after this it happened that Philip came forward, he prostrated himself and worshipped at the feet of Jesus, saying : "My Lord, Saviour, give me authority that I speak in thy presence and that I question thee on this discourse before thou speakest with us of the places to which thou hast gone for the sake of thy service".

The compassionate Saviour answered, he said to Philip : "The authority is given to thee to deliver the discourse which thou dost wish".

Then Philip answered and spoke to Jesus: "My Lord, for the sake of what mystery hast thou turned the bondage of the archons and their aeons and their Heimarmene and their sphere and all their places, and in confusion hast thou caused them to be confused in their paths, and to wander in their course? Hast thou now done this for the sake of the salvation of the world or not?".


Jesus answered, however, and said to Philip and all the disciples together : "I have turned their paths for the salvation of all souls. Truly, truly, I say to you : unless I had turned their paths a multitude of souls would have been destroyed. And they would have spent a long period if the archons of the aeons and the archons of the Heimarmene and the sphere and all their places and all their heavens and all their aeons were not dissolved. And the souls would have spent a great (period of) time outside. And there would have been delay in the completion of the number of perfect souls, which will be accounted among the inheritance of the height, through the mysteries, and will be in the Treasury of Light. Because of this, I have turned their paths so that they are confused and agitated, and give up the power which is in the matter of their world, which they make into souls, so that those that will be saved with all the power are purified quickly and ascend, and those who will not be saved are quickly dissolved".


It happened now when Jesus finished speaking these words to his disciples, Maria, the beautiful in her speech, came forward. The blessed one prostrated herself at the feet of Jesus and said : "My Lord, suffer me that I speak in thy presence, and be not angry with me because I trouble thee many times, questioning thee". The Saviour answered compassionately, he said to Maria: "Speak the discourse which thou dost wish, and I will reveal it to thee openly"" Maria answered and said to Jesus : "'My Lord, in what manner would the souls be delayed outside or in what form will they be quickly purified?" .


However Jesus answered and said to Maria : "Excellent, Maria. Thou dost ask well with an excellent question and thou dost seek everything with certainty and with accuracy. Now indeed I will not conceal anything from you from this hour, but I will reveal everything to you with certainty and openly. Hear now, Maria, and give ear, all you disciples.

Before I preached to all the archons of the aeons, and all the archons of the Heimarmene and the sphere, they were all bound with their bonds, in their spheres and their seals, according to the manner in which Jeu, the Overseer of the Light, had bound them from the beginning. And each one of them was continuing in his rank and each one was proceeding according to his course, according to the manner in which Jeu, the Overseer of the Light, had settled it. And when the time came of the number of Melchizedek, the great Paralemptor of Light, he came to the midst of the aeons, and to all the archons which were bound in the sphere and in the Heimarmene, and he took away what is purified of the light from all the archons of the aeons, and from all the archons of the Heimarmene, and from those of the sphere, for he took away that which agitated them.

And he moved the hastener that is over them and made their cycles turn quickly, and he (Melchizedek) took away their power which was in them, and the breath of their mouths, and the tears of their eyes, and the sweat of their bodies. And Melchizedek, the Paralemptor of the Light, purified those powers, he carried their light to the Treasury of the Light. And all their matter was gathered together by the ministers of all the archons. And the ministers of all the archons of the Heimarmene and the ministers of the sphere which are below the aeons took them (the matter) and made them into souls of men and cattle and reptiles and beasts and birds. And they sent them to this world of mankind.

And furthermore the paralemptors of the sun and the paralemptors of the moon when they looked up and they saw the patterns of the paths of the aeons, and the patterns of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere, they took the light-power from them. And the paralemptors of the sun prepared to lay it down until they gave it to the paralemptor of Melchizedek, the purifier of the light. And their material dregs they brought to the sphere which is below the aeons, and they made it into the souls of men and they also made it into (souls of) reptiles and cattle and beasts and birds, according to the cycle of the archons of that sphere, and according to all the patterns of its revolution. And they cast them into this world of mankind, and they became souls in that place, according to what I have just told you.

CHAPTER 26 These things were now fully completed before their power diminished within them, and they declined and they weakened or they became powerless. It happened when they became weak, their power began to cease within them, and they became weak in their power. And their light, which was in their place, ceased. And their kingdom dissolved.

And the All was quickly carried up.

It happened now when these things in their time were known, and when the number of the cipher of Melchizedek, the Paralemptor (of the Light), occurred, he came forth, and he went into the midst of the archons of all the aeons, and to the midst of all the archons of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere. And he agitated them, and he caused them quickly to abandon their circles, and immediately they were afflicted, and they cast the power out of themselves, out of the breath of their mouths, and out of the tears of their eyes, and out of the sweat of their bodies. And Melchizedek, the Paralemptor of the Light purified them, according to the manner in which he did so continually. And he took their light to the Treasury of the Light. And the matter of their dregs was surrounded and swallowed by all the archons of the aeons and the archons of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere, and they did not allow them to go and become souls in the world. They now swallowed their matter, that they might not become powerless and weak, that their power might not cease within them and their rulership (kingdom) dissolve. And they swallowed them so that they should not dissolve, but that they should be retarded, and should spend a great time until the completion of the number of perfect souls which would be in the Treasury of the Light.


It happened now as the archons of the aeons and those of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere continued acting after this type; as they turned themselves they ate the dregs of their matter, they did not allow them to become souls in the world of mankind, so that they might be retarded as rulers. And the powers, namely the powers within them which were souls, spent a great time outside this. Now these remained making two cycles continually.

It happened now when I came to go forth for the service for the sake of which I was appointed, through the command of the First Mystery, I came forth to the midst of the tyrants of the archons of the twelve aeons. And my garment of light was upon me, and I was shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had.

Now it happened, when those tyrants saw the great light which I had, the great Adamas, the Tyrant, and all the tyrants of the twelve aeons all began to wage war with the light of my garment, wishing to restrain it for themselves, so that they might still be retarded in their rulership (kingdom). These now acted thus, not knowing with whom they waged war. When they now rebelled and waged war with the light, I then turned the paths and the courses of their aeons, and the paths of their Heimarmene and their sphere, according to the command of the First Mystery, and I caused them to spend six months looking to the triangles of the left, and to the quadrangles, and to those in their aspect , and to their pattern of eight, according to the manner in which they were at first. But I turned their rotation or their aspect to another rank. And I caused them to spend another six months looking to the works of their (periods of) influence in the quadrangles of the right, and in their triangles, and in those which are in their aspect, and in their pattern of eight. And I caused the archons of the aeons to be confused with much confusion, and I caused them to wander in error, together with all the archons of the Heimarmene and those of the sphere. And I agitated them greatly. And they were now, from this time, not able to turn themselves to the dregs of their matter in order to swallow it, so that their places might be continually retarded, and so that they might spend a great time as rulers. But when I had taken a third part of their power, I turned their sphere to cause them to spend (a period of) time looking to the left and to spend another (period of) time looking to the right. I turned their whole path and their whole course, and I caused the path of their course to be accelerated, so that they might be purified quickly, and they might go upwards quickly. And I lessened their cycles, and I made their path easier, and it was greatly accelerated, and they were confused in their path, and from this time they were not able to swallow the matter of the dregs of what is purified of their light. And further I lessened their times and their periods, so that the perfect number of souls which will receive mysteries and which will be in the Treasury of the Light should be completed quickly. And unless I had turned their courses and unless I had lessened their periods, they would not have allowed any souls to come to the world, on account of the matter of their dregs which they swallowed, and they would have destroyed a multitude of souls. On account of this now, I have said to you at this time : 'I have lessened the times for the sake of my chosen ones, otherwise none of the souls could have been saved'. But I have lessened the times and the periods for the sake of the perfect number of the souls which will receive mysteries, which are the chosen ones. And had I not lessened their periods, none of the material souls would have been saved, but they would have been consumed in the fire which is in the flesh of the archons. This now is the discourse on which you have questioned me with accuracy".

It happened, however, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, they all prostrated themselves at once, they worshipped him and they said to him : "We are blessed beyond all men, for thou hast revealed to us these great events".



Jesus continued again with the discourse, he said to his disciples : "Hear [hear] concerning the things which happened to me among the archons of the twelve aeons, and all their archons and their lords and their powers (exousiai) and their angels and their archangels. Now when they saw the garment of light which was upon me, they and their unpaired ones, each one of them saw the mystery of his name which was in the garment of light which was upon me. They all prostrated themselves together, they worshipped the garment of light which was upon me. And they all cried out at once, saying : 'How has the Lord of All passed through us without our knowing?' And they all sang praises at once to the innermost of the inner. And all their triple-powered ones and their great forefathers and their unbegotten ones and their self-begotten ones and their begotten ones and their gods and their light-sparks and their luminaries, in a word, all their great ones saw the tyrants of their place, that their power was diminished within them, and that they were in a state of weakness. And they were in great fear, to which there was no measure. And they contemplated the mystery of their name in my garment and they tried to come to worship the mystery of their name in my garment, and they were not able, on account of the great light which I had.

But they worshipped at a little distance from me. However, they worshipped the light of my garment, and they all cried out at once as they sang praises to the innermost of the inner.

It happened moreover, when these things happened to the tyrants which are among the archons, they were all enfeebled, they fell down in their aeons, and they became like men of this world who are dead, having no breath within them, as they did moreover at the time when I took away their power from them.

It happened now after this, when I came forth from those aeons, each one of all those who are in the twelve aeons were all bound within their ranks, and they completed their works according to the manner in which I had disposed it, that they should spend six months turned to the left, doing their works in their quadrangles, and their triangles and those in their aspects; and furthermore that they should spend another six months looking to the right, and to their triangles and their quadrangles and those in their aspects.

Furthermore, this is the manner in which those who are in the Heimarmene and the sphere will proceed.


Now it happened after these things I came to the height to the veils of the thirteenth aeon. Now it happened that when I reached their veils, they drew themselves and they opened to me. I entered into the thirteenth aeon, I found the Pistis Sophia below the thirteenth aeon alone, none of them being with her. But she dwelt in that place, sorrow and grieving because she had not been taken to the thirteenth aeon, her place in the height. And furthermore she was sorrowful on account of the torments which the Authades inflicted on her, he being one of the three triple- powered ones. But when I tell you about their extent, I will tell you the mystery of how these things happened.

Now it happened, when the Pistis Sophia saw me shining exceedingly, there being no measure to the light which I had, she was in great agitation and she looked at the light of my garment. She saw the mystery of her name in my garment and the whole glory of its mystery because she was previously in the place of the height in the thirteenth aeon. But she was wont to sing praises to the light in the height which she saw in the veil of the Treasure of the Light.

It happened now when she continued to sing praises to the light in the height, all the archons, which are with the two great triple-powered ones, looked on, and also her invisible one which is paired with her, and the other 22 invisible emanations - since the Pistis Sophia with her partner, with the other 22 emanations make up the 24 emanations , which the great invisible forefather with the two great triple-powered ones has emanated." .


It happened now when Jesus said these things to his disciples, Mariam came forward and said : "My Lord, I heard thee at the time when thou didst say that the Pistis Sophia herself is one of the 24 emanations. How is she not in their place? Moreover thou hast said : 'I found her below the thirteenth aeon'." Jesus answered and said to his disciples : "It happened as the Pistis Sophia was in the thirteenth aeon in the place of all her brethren, the invisible ones who are the 24 emanations of the great invisible one it happened now, through the ordinance of the First Mystery, the Pistis Sophia looked to the height, she saw the light of the veil of the Treasury of the Light, and she desired to go to that place.

And she was not able to go to that place. Moreover she ceased performing the mystery of the thirteenth aeon, but she sang praises to the light of the height which she saw in the light of the veil of the Treasury of the Light.

Now it happened, as she sang praises to the place of the height, all the archons which are in the twelve aeons beneath hated her because she ceased from their mystery, and because she wished to go to the height and to make herself above them all. Now on account of these things they were angry with her, and they hated her. And the great triple-powered Authades - the third triple-powered one who is in the thirteenth aeon, who had been disobedient - had not emanated all that was purified of his inner power, nor had he given what was purified of his light at the time when the archons had given their purification, and he had wished to be lord over the whole thirteenth aeon and those beneath it. Now it happened when the archons of the thirteenth aeon were angry at the Pistis Sophia, who was above them, they hated her greatly. And the great triple-powered Authades, about whom I have just been speaking to you now, was also included among the archons of the twelve aeons, and he also was angry at the Pistis Sophia, and he hated her greatly, because she thought to go to the light which was above him. And he emanated from within himself a great lion-faced power. And from out of the matter within him, he emanated forth a further multitude of material emanations which were very powerful. And he sent them to the places below, to the parts of the Chaos, so that they should pursue the Pistis Sophia there and take her power from her, because she thought to go to the height which is above them all, and because she ceased to perform their mystery, but she remained sorrowing, seeking the light which she saw. And the archons which continued or persisted in performing the mystery hated her. And all the watchers which were at the gates of the aeons also hated her.

It happened now after this, through the ordinance of the first ordinance, the great triple-powered Authades, -who is one of the three triple-powered ones, persecuted the 'Sophia in the thirteenth aeon, so that she should look at the parts below, so that she should see in that place his light power, which has a lion-face, and she should desire it, and come to that place, and her light would be taken from her.



It happened now after this she looked down. She saw his power of light in the parts below, and she did not know that it was that of the triple-powered Authades. But she thought that it was from the light which she had seen from the beginning in the height, which was from the veil of the Treasury of the Light. And she thought to herself : "I will go to that place without my partner, and take the light, and create of it for myself aeons of light, so that I shall be able to go to the Light of Lights which is in the highest height." Now as she was thinking these things, she came forth from her place in the thirteenth aeon, and she came out to the twelve aeons . The archons of the aeons persecuted her, and they were angry with her, because she had thought to have greatness . However, she came forth from the twelve aeons, she came to the places of the Chaos. And she made her way to the light-power with a lion-face in order to swallow it. But all the material emanations of the Authades surrounded her. And the great light-power with a lion-face swallowed the light-powers in the Sophia. And it purified her light and swallowed it, and her matter was cast forth to the Chaos. There existed an archon with a lion- face in the Chaos, whose one half was fire and whose other half was darkness, namely Jaldabaoth, of whom I have spoken to you many times. Now when these things had happened, the Sophia became very greatly weakened. And again that light-power with a lion-face began to take away all the light-powers from the Sophia. And all the material powers of the Authades surrounded the Sophia at the same time, they oppressed her.




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