Juji: Pistis Sophia - Book One (part II.)


Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Pistis Sophia - Book One (part II.)

15 éve | [Törölt felhasználó] | 2 hozzászólás


It happened now after this she looked down. She saw his power of light in the parts below, and she did not know that it was that of the triple-powered Authades. But she thought that it was from the light which she had seen from the beginning in the height, which was from the veil of the Treasury of the Light. And she thought to herself : "I will go to that place without my partner, and take the light, and create of it for myself aeons of light, so that I shall be able to go to the Light of Lights which is in the highest height." Now as she was thinking these things, she came forth from her place in the thirteenth aeon, and she came out to the twelve aeons . The archons of the aeons persecuted her, and they were angry with her, because she had thought to have greatness . However, she came forth from the twelve aeons, she came to the places of the Chaos. And she made her way to the light-power with a lion-face in order to swallow it. But all the material emanations of the Authades surrounded her. And the great light-power with a lion-face swallowed the light-powers in the Sophia. And it purified her light and swallowed it, and her matter was cast forth to the Chaos. There existed an archon with a lion- face in the Chaos, whose one half was fire and whose other half was darkness, namely Jaldabaoth, of whom I have spoken to you many times. Now when these things had happened, the Sophia became very greatly weakened. And again that light-power with a lion-face began to take away all the light-powers from the Sophia. And all the material powers of the Authades surrounded the Sophia at the same time, they oppressed her.


The Pistis Sophia cried out very much. She cried out to the Light of Lights which she had seen from the beginning, in which she had believed, and she said this repentance, speaking thus :

1. 'O Light of Lights, in whom I have believed from the beginning, hear my repentance now at this time, O Light; save me, O Light, for wicked thoughts have entered into me.

2. I looked, O Light, to the parts below. I saw a light in that place, and I thought : I will go to that place to receive that light. And I went, and I came to be in the darkness which is in the Chaos below. And I was not able to proceed out to go to my place, because I was oppressed among all the emanations of the Authades. And the lion-faced power took away my inner light.

3. And I cried out for help, and my voice did not penetrate the darkness. And I looked to the height, so that the Light in which I had believed might help me.

4. And when I looked to the height, I saw all the archons of the aeons , that they were numerous and they looked down upon me, rejoicing over me, although I had done nothing evil to them, but they had hated me without cause.

And when the emanations of the Authades saw the archons of the aeons rejoicing over me, they knew that the archons of the aeons would not help me. And those emanations which oppressed me without cause were encouraged. And they took from me the light which I did not take from them. 5. Now at this time, O true Light, thou knowest that I have done these things in my simplicity, thinking that the lion-faced light belonged to thee, and the sin which I have committed is manifest in thy presence.

6. Do not now let me be lacking, O Lord, for I have believed in thy light from the beginning, O Lord, Light of the powers, do not let me now lack my light.

7. For on account of thee and thy light I have come to be in this oppression, and shame has covered me.

8. And because of the delusion of thy light, I have become a stranger to my brothers, the invisible ones, and also to the great emanations of the Barbelo.

9. These things happened to me, O Light, because I was eager for thy dwelling-place. And the anger of the Authades came down upon me - this one who did not obey thy command to emanate from the emanation of his power - because I was in his aeon and not performing his mystery.

10. And all the archons of the aeons mocked me.

11. And I was in that place, sorrowing and seeking the light which I had seen in the height.

12. And the watchers of the gates of the aeons were seeking me, and all those who continued in their mystery mocked me. 13. But I looked up to the height to thee, O Light. And I believed in thee. Now at this time, O Light of Lights, I am oppressed in the darkness of the Chaos. If now thou dost wish to come to save me - great is thy compassion - hear me truly and save me.

14. Save me out of the matter of this darkness, so that I shall not be immersed in it, and that I shall be saved from the emanations of the deity, Authades, which oppress me, and from their evils.

15. Do not allow this darkness to immerse me, and do not allow this lion-faced power to swallow up all my power completely. And do not allow this Chaos to cover over my power.

16. Hear me O Light, for thy mercy is precious, and look down upon me, according to the great compassion of thy light.

17. Do not turn away thy face from me, for I am greatly afflicted.

18. Hear me quickly and save my power.

19. Save me, on account of the archons which hate me, for thou knowest my affliction and my torment, and the torment of my power which they have taken from me.

Those who have put me into all these evils are in thy presence. Deal with them according to thy will.

20. My power looked forth from the midst of the Chaos, and from the midst of the darkness. I looked for my partner, that he should come and fight for me, and he did not come. And I looked that he should come and give power to me, and I did not find him.

21. And when I sought for light, I was given darkness.

And when I sought for my power, I was given matter .

22. Now at this time, O Light of Lights, let the darkness and the matter which the emanations of the Authades have brought upon me become a snare for them, and let them be ensnared therein. And do thou repay them and bring disgrace upon them, so that they do not come to the place of their Authades.

23. Let them remain in darkness and not see the light.

Let them look at the Chaos at all times, and do not let them look at the height.

24. Bring down upon them their vengeance, and let thy judgment seize them.

25. Do not let them go to their place from this time, to their deity, Authades. And do not let his emanations go to their places from this time. Because their god is impious and insolent, because he thought that he had done these wicked things of himself, not knowing that, unless I was humbled according to thy ordinance, he would have had no power over me.

26. But when thou didst humble me, according to thy ordinance, I was persecuted the more. And their emanations inflicted torments upon my humiliation. 27. And they took a light-power from me. And furthermore they began to torment me greatly , in order to take away all the light that was in me. On account of these things into which I was put, do not let them go up to the thirteenth aeon, the place of righteousness.

28. And do not let them be numbered within the portion of those who purify themselves and their light. And do not let them be numbered among those who will repent quickly, so that they will quickly receive mysteries in the light.

29. For they have taken my light from me. And my power has begun to decrease within me. And I lack my light.

30. Now at this time, O Light which art in thee and with me, I sing praises to thy name, O Light, in glory.

31. And may my song of praise, O Light, please thee, like an excellent mystery which is received into the gates of light, which those who will repent, will recite, and whose light they will purify.

32. Now at this time, let all material things rejoice; seek the light, all of you, so that the power of your souls, which is within you, may live.

33. Because the Light has heard the material things, and it will not leave any material things which it has not purified.

34. Let the souls and the material things bless the Lord of all the aeons ; the material things and all things in them. 35. For God will save their souls out of all matter, and a city will be prepared in the light; and all souls which will be saved will dwell in that city, and they will inherit it.

36. And the soul of those who will receive mysteries will be in that place, and they who have received mysteries in his name will be within it'." .


Now it happened, as Jesus said these words to his disciples, he said to them : "This is the song of praise which the Pistis Sophia spoke in the first repentance, as she repented for her sin. And she spoke of all the things which had happened to her. Now at this time, he who has ears to hear, let him hear ." Maria came forward again and said : "My Lord, there are ears to my man of light , and I hear in my light-power, and thy Spirit, which is with me, has made me sober. Hear now, that I may speak concerning the repentance which the Pistis Sophia said, as she spoke of her sin, and all the things which had happened to her. Thy light-power once prophesied about it through David, the prophet, in the 68th Psalm :

1. 'Save me, O God, for the waters have come in to my soul.

2. I have sunk or been immersed by the mire of the abyss, and there was no power. I came to the depths of the sea ; a storm wind overwhelmed me.

3. I have suffered as I cried out. My throat has gone. My eyes have failed as I waited upon God.

4. Those who hate me without cause have become more numerous than the hairs of my head. My enemies that persecute me with violence have become strong. They deprived me of those things which I did not steal.

5. O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hidden from thee.

6. Let not them that wait on thee be ashamed on my account, O Lord, Lord of the powers. Let not those that seek thee be put to shame on my account, O Lord, God of Israel, God of the powers.

7. For I have borne disgrace on thy account; shame has covered my face.

8. I have become a stranger to my brothers, a stranger to the sons of my mother.

9. For the zeal of thy house has eaten me up. The reproaches of those who reproach thee have fallen upon me.

10. I bowed down my soul with fasting; it became a reproach to me.

11. I put sackcloth upon myself; I became a proverb to them.

12. They that sat in the gates talked against me ; and they that drink wine sang against me.

13. But I was praying in my soul to thee, O Lord ; it is the time of thy pleasure, O God ; in the magnitude of thy mercy, hear truly for my salvation.

14. Save me from this mire, that I do not sink in it. Let me be saved from those that hate me and from the depths of the waters.

15. Let not the water flood immerse me. Let not the abyss swallow me up ; let not a pit close its mouth over me.

16. Hear me, O Lord, for beneficent is thy mercy; according to the magnitude of thy compassion look down upon me.

17. Turn not away thy face from thy servant, for I am afflicted.

18. Hear me quickly; give heed to my soul and save it.

19. Save me on account of my enemies; for thou knowest my reproach and my shame and my infamy. All that afflict me are before thee.

20. My heart has looked for reproach and wretchedness ; I have looked for one to be sorrowful with me, I did not find him ; and for one to comfort me, I did not meet him.

21. They gave me gall for my food; they made me drink vinegar for my thirst.

22. Let their table become a snare in their presence; and a stumbling block and a retribution and a disgrace. 23. Do thou bend their backs at all times.

24. Pour out upon them thy wrath, and let the fury of thy wrath take hold of them.

25. Let their dwelling-place be made desolate and let there be no inhabitant in their dwelling-places.

26. For they have persecuted him whom thou hast smitten ; they have added to the pain of their blow .

27. They have added iniquity to their iniquities; let them not come into thy righteousness.

28. Let them be effaced from the book of the living, and let them not be written with the righteous.

29. I am a poor man and also a sorrowful one; the salvation of thy face, O God, is that which has accepted me.

30. I will bless the name of God in song, and raise him up in blessing.

31. It will please God more than a young bull which carries horns and hoofs.

32. Let the poor see and rejoice ; seek God that your souls may live.

33. For the Lord has heard the poor and he has not despised those in fetters .

34. Let the heavens and the earth bless the Lord, the sea and all that are within it. 35. For God will save Zion ; and the cities of Judaea will be built, and (men) will dwell there and inherit it.

36. The seed of his servants will take possession of it, and they that love his name will dwell in it'." .


Now it happened when Mariam finished saying these words to Jesus in the midst of the disciples, she said to him ; "My Lord, this is the interpretation of the mystery of the repentance of the Pistis Sophia".

It happened now when Jesus heard Mariam saying these words, he said to her : "Excellent, Mariam, thou blessed one, thou Pleroma or thou all-blessed Pleroma, who will be blessed among all generations" .


Jesus continued again with the discourse. He said : "The Pistis Sophia continued again, she also sang a second repentance, in which she spoke thus :

1. 'O Light of Lights, I have believed in thee. Do not leave me in the darkness until the completion of my time.

2. Help me and save me in thy mysteries. Incline thy ear to me and save me.

3. Let the power of thy light save me and carry me to the aeons on high, for it is thou who savest me and takest me to the height of thy aeons. 4. Save me, O Light, from the hand of this lion-faced power, and from the hands of the emanations of the deity, Authades.

5. For thou, O Light, art the one in whose light I have believed and in whose light I have trusted from the beginning.

6. And I have believed in it from the hour that it emanated me forth. And thou indeed art he who caused me to be emanated forth. And I have indeed believed in thy light from the beginning.

7. And when I believed in thee, the archons of the aeons mocked me, saying : she has ceased in her mystery. It is thou who wilt save me. And thou art my Saviour. And thou art my mystery, O Light.

8. My mouth has been filled with glory, so that I might tell the mystery of thy greatness at all times.

9. Now, O Light, do not leave me in the Chaos during the completion of my whole time. Do not abandon me, O Light.

10. For my whole light-power has been taken away from me. And all the emanations of the Authades have surrounded me. They wanted to take all my light from me completely, and they watched for my power.

11. They were saying at the same time to one another : the light has left her ; let us seize her and take away all the light within her. 12. <illegible>.

13. May those who want to take away my power fall and become powerless. May those who want to take away my light-power from me be wrapped in darkness and exist in powerlessness.

This is the second repentance which the Pistis Sophia said, singing praises to the light." .


It happened now, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, he said : "Do you understand in what manner I am speaking with you?" Peter leapt forward, he said to Jesus : "My Lord, we are not able to suffer this woman who takes the opportunity from us, and does not allow anyone of us to speak, but she speaks many times." Jesus answered, he said to his disciples : "Let him in whom the power of his Spirit has welled up so that he understands what I say, come forward and speak. Nevertheless, thou Peter, I see thy power within thee understands the interpretation of the mystery of the repentance which the Pistis Sophia spoke. Now at this time do thou, Peter, speak the thought of her repentance in the midst of thy brethren." Peter answered, however, he said to Jesus : "Lord, hear, so that I say the thought of her repentance, about which thy power once prophesied through David the prophet, saying her repentance in the 70th Psalm :

1. 'O God, my God, I have trusted in thee; let me never be put to shame.

2. Save me in thy righteousness and deliver me. Incline thy ear to me and save me.

3. Be to me a strong God and a fortified place to save me ; for thou art my strength and my place of refuge.

4. My God, save me from the hand of the sinner, and from the hand of the lawless and the impious.

5. For thou, O Lord, art my endurance; O Lord, thou art my hope from my youth.

6. I have relied upon thee from the womb; thou hast brought me forth from my mother's womb; my memory is of thee at all times.

7. I have become for many like the crazy; thou art my help and my strength, thou art my Saviour, O Lord.

8. My mouth has been filled with blessings, so that I might bless the glory of thy greatness all the day.

9. Cast me not out in the time of my old age; when my soul diminishes, do not forsake me.

10. For my enemies have spoken evil against me; and they who lie in wait for my soul have taken counsel against my soul.

11. Saying at the same time : God has forsaken him ; run and seize him, for there is none to save him.

12. O God, give heed to my help.

13. Let those that slander my soul be brought to shame and diminished; let those who seek evil against me be clothed with shame and disgrace.' This now is the interpretation of the second repentance which the Pistis Sophia said.".


The Saviour answered and said to Peter : " Well done, Peter, this is the interpretation of her repentance. You are blessed beyond all men upon earth, for I have revealed to you these mysteries. Truly, truly, I say to you : I will fulfill you in every pleroma, from the mysteries of the inner to the mysteries of the outer. And I will fill you with Spirit so that you are called Pneumatics, fulfilled in every pleroma. And truly, truly, I say to you that I will give you all the mysteries of all the places of my Father, and all the places of the First Mystery, so that he whom you receive on earth will be received into the light of the height. And he whom you cast out upon earth will be cast out of the Kingdom of my Father which is in heaven . Nevertheless now hear and give ear to all the repentances which the Pistis Sophia said. She continued again and spoke the third repentance, saying :

1. 'O Light of the powers, give heed and save me.

2. May those that want to take away my light from me fail and he in darkness. Let them return to the Chaos, and may those who want to take away my power be put to shame.

3. May those that persecute me and say : we have become lords over her, return quickly to the darkness.

4. May all those who seek after the light rejoice and flourish and may they who want thy mystery say at all times : let the mystery be raised up.

5. Do thou now at this time save me, O Light, for I am lacking in my light, which has been taken away. And I need my power which has been taken from me. Thou, O Light, thou art my Saviour, and thou art my rescuer, O Light.

Save me quickly out of this Chaos'." .


It happened, however, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, saying: "This is the third repentance which the Pistis Sophia said", he said to them : "Let him in whom the Spirit of perception has arisen, come forward and speak with understanding of the repentance which the Pistis Sophia said".

It happened now, before Jesus had finished speaking, Martha came forward, she prostrated herself at his feet, she kissed them. She cried out, she wept aloud in humility, saying: "My Lord, have mercy on me, and be compassionate towards me, and allow me to say the interpretation of the repentance which the Pistis Sophia said". And Jesus gave Martha his hand , he said to her : "Blessed is every man who humbles himself, for to him will mercy be given . Now at this time, Martha, thou art blessed. Never- ' give now the interpretation of the thought of the repentance of the Pistis Sophia".

Martha, however, answered and said to Jesus in the midst of the disciples : "Concerning the repentance which the Pistis Sophia said, O my Lord Jesus, thy light-power which was in David once prophesied in the 69th psalm, saying :

1. O Lord God, give heed to my help.

2. Let those that seek after my soul be put to shame and disgraced.

3. May those that say to me : excellent, excellent, be turned back immediately and put to shame.

4. May all those that seek after thee be glad and rejoice over thee; and may those that love thy salvation say at all times : let God be exalted.

5. But I am poor and I am needy. O Lord, help me ; thou art my help and my defense. O Lord, do not delay.' This now is the interpretation of the third repentance which the Pistis Sophia said, singing praises to the height.".


It happened now when Jesus heard Martha saying these words, he said : "Excellent, Martha, and well done." Jesus continued again with the discourse. He said to his disciples : "The Pistis Sophia continued again with the fourth repentance, saying it when the lion-faced power and all the material emanations with it, which the Authades had sent to the Chaos, had not yet afflicted her for the second time, to take away all the remaining light which was in her. She now said this repentance thus :

1. 'O Light whom I have trusted, hear my repentance; and let my voice come into thy dwelling-place.

2. Do not turn thy image of light away from me, but give heed to me. If they oppress me, save me quickly at the time when I cry to thee.

3. For my time has vanished like a breath, and I have become matter.

4. My light has been taken from me, and my power has dried up. I have forgotten my mystery which I performed at first.

5. Through the voice of fear and the power of the Authades, my power has diminished within me.

6. I have become like a peculiar demon, which dwells in matter, in whom is no light. And I have become like a spirit counterpart which is in a material body, in which there is no light-power.

7. And I have become like a decan, which is upon the air alone.

8. The emanations of the Authades have afflicted me greatly; and my partner has spoken of it thus : in place of the light within her, they have filled her with Chaos .

9. I have swallowed the sweat of my matter myself and the anguish of the tears of the matter of my eyes, lest those that oppress me take away these things also.

10. All these things have happened to me, O Light, through thy ordinance and with thy command. And it is thy ordinance that I should be among these things.

11. Thy ordinance has brought me down, and I have come down like a power of the Chaos.; and my power has congealed within me.

12. But thou, O Lord, art eternal light; and at all times thou dost seek those who are oppressed.

13. Now at this time, O Light, arise and seek after my power and my soul within me. Thy ordinance is completed, which thou hast ordained for me in my affliction. My time has come, that thou shouldst seek after my power and my soul, and this is the time which thou hast ordained to seek me ; 14. For thy saviours have sought after the power which is in my soul, because the number is completed, and that they should save its matter also.

15. And then in that time all the archon. of the material aeons will fear before thy light: and all the emanations of the thirteenth material aeon will fear before the mystery of thy light, that the others may put on themselves what is purified of their light.

16. For the Lord will seek after the power of your souls; he has revealed his mystery.

17. For he will look at the repentance of those who are in the places below; and he has not overlooked their repentance.

18. This is that mystery which has become a type for the race which will be born ; and the race which will be born will sing praises to the height.

19. For the light has looked forth from the height of his light. He will look down upon all matter ; 20. To hear the groaning of those that are bound; to release the power of the souls whose power is bound.

21. To place his name in the soul, and his mystery in the Power .


It happened, however, while Jesus was speaking these words to his disciples, saying to them : "This is the fourth repentance which the Pistis Sophia said; now at this time let him who understands understand" - now it happened when Jesus said these words, John came forward. He kissed (lit. worshipped) the breast of Jesus, he said : "My Lord, command me also and allow, me that I speak the interpretation of the fourth repentance which the Pistis Sophia spoke". Jesus said to John: "I command thee and I allow thee to give (lit, say) the interpretation of the repentance which the Pistis Sophia spoke." John answered, he said : "My Lord Saviour, concerning this repentance which the Pistis Sophia spoke, thy light-power, which was in David, once prophesied about it in the 101st Psalm:

1. 'Lord, hear my prayer and let my voice come to thee

2. Turn not thy face away from me ; incline thy ear to me in the day of my affliction ; hear me quickly in the day when I shall cry to thee

3. For my days have vanished like smoke, and my bones are parched like a stone

4. I am scorched like grass and my heart is dried up ; for I have forgotten to eat my bread

5. From the voice of my groaning my bone has cleaved to my flesh

6. I have become like a pelican in the wilderness. I have become like an owl in a house

7. I have spent nights of vigil; I have become like a sparrow alone upon a roof

8. My enemies have reproached me all day long ; and those that honour me have sworn against me. 9. For I have eaten ashes in place of my bread; I have mixed my drink with tears; 10. In the presence of thy wrath and thy anger; for thou hast lifted me up, thou hast cast me down

11. My days have declined like a shadow, and I am dried up like grass- l2. But thou, O Lord, dost exist for ever ; and thy memory from generation to generation.

13. Do thou arise and be compassionate to Zion; for it is (lit. has happened) time for compassion to her; for the appointed time has come

14. Thy servants have desired her stones; and they will show pity on her land

15. The peoples will fear the name of the Lord and the kings of the earth will fear thy glory

16. For the Lord will build Zion and be manifest in his glory' 17. He has looked upon the prayer of the humble, and he has not despised their petition

18. Let this be written for another generation; and the people which will be created will bless the Lord

19. Because he has looked forth upon his holy height; the Lord has looked forth from heaven upon the earth; 20. To hear the groaning of those that are bound, to release the sons of those who have been killed; 21. To speak the name of the Lord in Zion, and his blessing in Jerusalem

This, my Lord, is the interpretation of the mystery of the repentance which the Pistis Sophia spoke." .


Now it happened when John finished saying these words to Jesus in the midst of his disciples, he said to him : "Excellent, John, thou virgin who wilt rule in the Kingdom of the Light," Jesus, however, continued again with the discourse, he said to his disciples : "it happened again thus : the emanations of the Authades oppressed the Pistis Sophia in the Chaos (es).

They wanted to take away all her light, and the ordinance was not yet completed to bring her forth from the Chaos, and the command had not yet come to me through the First Mystery to save her from the Chaos. Now it happened, when all the material emanations of the Authades oppressed her, she cried out and spoke the fifth repentance, saying :

1. 'O Light of my salvation, I sing praise to thee in the place of the height, and again in the Chaos.

2. I will sing praise to thee in my song, with which I have praised thee in the height, and with which I have praised thee when I was in the Chaos; may it reach thee. And give heed, O Light, to my repentance.

3. My power has been filled with darkness; and my light has come down to the Chaos. 4. I have become like the archons of the Chaos which have gone to the darkness below; I have become like a material body, which has no one in the height who will save it.

5. I have become like material things whose power has been taken from them as they were cast into the Chaos, which thou hast not saved; and they have been destroyed by thy ordinance.

6. Now at this time I have been placed in the darkness below, in dark things and in material things which are dead ; and there is no power within them.

7. Thou hast brought thy ordinance upon me ; with all things which thou hast ordained.

8. And the Spirit has departed and left me; and again, through thy ordinance, the emanations of my aeon have not helped me ; and they have hated me and they have ceased towards me, and yet I am not completely destroyed.

9. And my light has diminished within me, and I have cried out to the light with all the light that is in me ; and I have stretched out my hands to thee.

10. Now at this time, O Light, wilt thou perhaps fulfill thy ordinance in the Chaos? And will the saviours, perhaps, who came according to thy ordinance, arise in the darkness and come and be disciples to thee? 11. Will they, perhaps, say the mystery of thy name in the Chaos? 12. Or will they not rather say thy name in matter of the Chaos, this in which thou wilt not purify? 13. But I have sung praises to thee, O Light, and my repentance will reach thee in the height.

14. May thy light come down upon me.

15. My light has been taken from me and I am in distress on account of the light, from the time when I was emanated forth. And when I looked to the height to the light, I looked down to the light-power which is in the Chaos ; I rose, I came down.

16. Thy ordinance came down upon me, and the fears which thou didst ordain for me, agitated me.

17. And they surrounded me roaring like water, they seized me at once for all my time.

18. And through thy ordinance, thou didst not allow my fellow-emanations to help me ; and thou didst not allow my partner to save me from my afflictions.' This now is the fifth repentance which the Pistis Sophia said in the Chaos, when all the material emanations of the Authades continued to afflict her.".


Now when Jesus said these things to his disciples, he said to them: "He who has ears to hear, let him the things which I will do, and the things which you will see.

And you will bear witness to all things of the Kingdom of Heaven.".


Now when Jesus said these things he said to his disciples : "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." Mariam sprang up again, she came to the midst, she stood beside Philip, she said to Jesus : "My Lord, my man of light has ears, and I am prepared to hear by means of my power. And I have understood the word which thou hast spoken. Now at this time, my Lord, hear, so that I speak openly, for thou hast said to us : 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear.' Concerning the word which thou didst say to Philip: 'Thou and Thomas and Matthew are the three to whom it has been given, through the First Mystery, to write every word of the Kingdom of the Light, and to bear witness to them'; hear now that I give the interpretation of these words. It is this which thy light-power once prophesied through Moses: 'Through two and three witnesses everything will be established. The three witnesses are Philip and Thomas and Matthew".

Now it happened when Jesus heard these words, he said : Excellent, Maria, this is the interpretation of the word.

Now at this time, do thou, Philip, come forward and give the interpretation of the mystery of the fifth repentance of the Pistis Sophia. And afterwards sit and write every word which I shall speak until the completion of the number of thy part in the words of the Kingdom of the Light, which thou wilt write. After this thou shalt come forward and speak whatever thy Spirit shall understand. Nevertheless now, at this time give the explanation of the mystery of the fifth repentance of the Pistis Sophia.

But Philip answered and said to Jesus : "My Lord, hear that I say the interpretation of her repentance. For thy power once prophesied about it through David in the 87th Psalm, saying :

1. 'O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried to thee by day and night.

2. Let my prayer come before thy presence. Incline thy ear, O Lord, to my petition.

3. For my soul is filled with evil ; my life has approached Amente .

4. I am numbered with those who have gone down to the pit, I have become like a man without a helper.

5. The free among the dead are like the slain who are cast out and sleep in graves, whom now thou dost not remember; and they are destroyed through thy hands.

6. I have been laid in a pit below in darknesses and the shadow of death. 7. Thy anger has pressed down upon me ; and all thy cares have come down upon me. Pause.

8. Thou hast caused those that know me to be distant from me ; they have set me as an abomination to themselves ; they have set me and I did not go.

9. My eye(s) became weak through my poverty; I cried to thee, O Lord, all the day; I spread out my hands to thee.

10. Wilt thou perhaps do thy wonders among the dead? Will shades 1 rise that they confess thee? 11. Will thy name perhaps be spoken in the graves? 12. And thy righteousness in a land which thou hast forgotten? 13. But I have cried to thee, O Lord, and my prayer will reach thee at the hour of daybreak.

14. Turn not thy face away from me.

15. For I am poor; I have been in distress since my youth ; but when I was exalted I humbled myself, and I arose.

16. Thy rages have come down upon me, and thy fears have agitated me.

17. They have surrounded me like water; they have seized me all day.

18. Thou hast caused my companions to be distant from me; and those that know me on account of my wretchedness'*.

This now is the interpretation of the fifth repentance which the Pistis Sophia said when she was afflicted in the Chaos. .


It happened now when Jesus heard these words which Philip said , he said to him : " Excellent, Philip, thou beloved one. Come now at this time, sit and write thy part of every word which I shall say, and what I shall do, and everything which thou shalt see". And immediately Philip sat down and wrote.

It happened furthermore after this Jesus continued again with the discourse. He said to his disciples : " Then the Pistis Sophia cried out to the Light. He forgave her sin, that she had forsaken her place, she had come down to the darkness.

She spoke the sixth repentance in this way, saying : 1. I have sung praises to thee, O Light, in the darkness below.

2.Hear my repentance, and may thy light give heed to the voice of my entreaty.

3. O Light, if thou dost remember my sins I shall not be able to come before thee, and thou wilt forsake me.

4. For thou, O Light, art my Saviour on account of the light of thy name. I have believed in thee, O Light.

5. And my power believed in thy mystery. And furthermore, my power trusted in the light, when it was in those of the height, and it (my power) trusted it (the light) when it (my power) was in the Chaos below.

6. May all the powers within me trust the light, when I am in the darkness below, and may they trust it when they come to the place of the height. 7. For it (the light) is merciful to us and saves us, and there is a great mystery of salvation within it.

8. And it will save all the powers from the Chaos on account of my transgression, because I have forsaken my place, I have come down to the Chaos.' At this time now, he whose understanding (mind) is uplifted , let him understand.".


Now it happened when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, he said to them : "Do you understand in what manner I am speaking with you?" Andrew came forward, he said : "My Lord, concerning the interpretation of the sixth repentance of the Pistis Sophia, thy light-power prophesied once, through David, in the 129th Psalm, saying :

1. 'Out of the depths I have cried to thee, O Lord.

2. Hear my voice; let thine ears be inclined to the voice of my supplication.

3. O Lord, if thou givest heed to my iniquities who will be able to stand? 4. For forgiveness is with thee; I have waited for thee, O Lord, for thy name's sake.

5. My soul has waited on thy word.

6. My soul has hoped in the Lord from morni ng until evening; may Israel hope in the Lord from morning until evening. 7. For mercy is in the hand of the Lord, and with him is a great salvation.

8. And he will save Israel out of all his iniquities ".

Jesus said to him : "Excellent, Andrew, thou blessed one.

This is the interpretation of her repentance. Truly, truly, I say to you, I will fulfill you in all the mysteries of the light, and every gnosis, from the innermost of the inner to the outermost of the outer; from the Ineffable to the darkness of darknesses ; and from the Light of Lights to the (? matter) of matter ; from all the gods to the demons ; from all the lords to the decans; from all the powers (exousiai) to the ministers ; from the creation of men to (that off beasts and cattle and reptiles, in order that you be called perfect, fulfilled in every pleroma. Truly, truly, I say to you that, in the place in which I shall be in the Kingdom of my Father, you will also be there with me . And when the perfect number is completed so that the mixture is dissolved, I will command that all the tyrant gods who did not give (up) what is purified of their light be brought. I will command the fire of wisdom, which the perfect ones transmit, to consume those tyrants until they give (up) the last of what is purified of their light." It happened, when Jesus finished saying these words to his disciples, he said to them : "Do you understand in what manner I have spoken to you?" Maria said : "Yes, O Lord, I have understood the discourse which thou hast spoken. Concerning the word now which thou didst say : 'At the dissolving of the whole mixture thou wilt sit upon a light-power, and thy disciples, that is we, we will sit to the right of thee . And thou wilt judge the tyrant gods which did not give (up) what is purified of their light. And the fire of wisdom will consume them until they give (up) the last of the light which is in them.' Now concerning this word, thy light-power once prophesied, through David, in the 81st Psalm, saying : 'God will sit in the assembly of gods and will judge the gods ".

Jesus said to her : "Excellent, Maria.".


Jesus continued again with the discourse, he said to his disciples : "It happened when the Pistis Sophia finished saying the sixth repentance concerning the forgiveness of her transgression, she turned again to the height to see whether her sins were forgiven her, and to see whether she would be brought up from the Chaos. And she was not yet heard, through the command of the First Mystery, that her sin would be forgiven, and that she would be brought out of the Chaos. ( When she turned to the height to see whether her repentance was accepted, she saw all the archons of the twelve aeons mocking her and rejoicing over her, because her repentance was not yet accepted. When she now saw them mocking her, she was very sorrowful, she lifted up her voice to the height, saying in the seventh repentance :

1. 'O Light, I have raised up my power to thee, my Light.

2. I have believed in thee ; do not make me to be despised.

Do not make the archons of the twelve aeons, which hate me, rejoice over me.

3. For all those that believe in thee will not be brought to shame. May those who have taken away my power remain in darkness, and have no profit from it, but have it taken away from them.

4. O Light, show me thy ways, and I will be saved by them ; and show me thy paths, so that I be saved in the Chaos.

5. And lead me in thy light, and may I know, O Light, that thou art my Saviour; I will trust thee in my whole time.

6. Give heed, so that thou savest me, O Light, because thy compassion exists for ever.

7. Concerning my transgression which I have committed from the beginning in my ignorance, do not count it against me, O Light, but rather save me through thy great mystery of forgiveness of sins, for the sake of thy goodness, O Light. 8. For the Light is good and upright. Because of this he (the Light) will allow me (lit. give me my way) to be saved from my transgression.

9. And my powers, which are diminished through fear of the material emanations of the Authades, he will draw out thence by his ordinance. And to my powers, which are diminished through lack of mercy, he will teach his knowledge.

10. For all knowledges of the light are salvations and are mysteries to everyone who seeks the places of his inheritance and his mysteries.

11. For the sake of the mystery of thy name, O Light, forgive my transgression, for it is great.

12. To everyone who trusts the light, he will give the mystery which pleases him.

13. And his soul will exist in the places of the light; and his power will inherit the Treasury of the Light.

14. It is the light which gives power to those that believe in it. And the name of its mystery is for those that trust it.

And it will show them the place of the inheritance which is in the Treasury of the Light.

15. Moreover I have believed in the light at all times, that it is this which will save my feet from the bonds of the darkness. 16.Give heed to me, o Light, and save me, for my name has been taken from me in the Chaos.

17. Beyond all the emanations, my questions and my oppressions are very numerous; save me from my transgression and this darkness.

18. And look upon the distress of my oppression and forgive my transgression.

19. Give heed to the archons of the twelve aeons which hate me with envy.

20. Watch over my power and save me ; and let me not remain in this darkness, for I have believed in thee.

21. And they have committed a great folly for I have believed in thee, O Light.

22. Now at this time, O Light, save my powers from the emanations of the Authades, by which I am oppressed.' Now at this time, he who is sober, let him be sober." Now when Jesus had said these things to his disciples, Thomas came forward, he said: "My Lord, I am sober, I have become more sober, and my Spirit is ready within me. And I rejoice greatly because thou hast revealed to us these words. Nevertheless I have suffered my brothers up till now lest I cause anger in them. But I suffer each one of them to come before thee to say the interpretation of the repentance of the Pistis Sophia. Now at this time, O Lord, concerning the interpretation of the seventh repentance of the Pistis Sophia, thy light-power prophesied about it, through David the prophet, saying it thus in the 24th Psalm : 1. O Lord, I have lifted up my soul to thee, my God.

2. I have relied on thee; let me not be put to shame, nor let my enemies mock at me.

3. Because everyone that waits upon thee will not be put to shame. Let those that commit iniquity without cause be ashamed.

4. O Lord, show me thy ways, and teach me thy paths.

5. Lead me in the way of thy truth, and teach me for thou art my God, my Saviour. I will wait on thee the whole day.

6. Remember thy compassion, O Lord, and thy mercies, for they are from eternity.

7. Remember not the sins of my youth and those of my ignorance. Remember me rather according to the greatness of thy mercy, for the sake of thy beneficence, O Lord.

8. Beneficent and upright is the Lord; because of this, he will teach the sinners on the way.

9. He will guide the compassionate in judgment; he will teach the compassionate his ways.

10. All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth for those that seek his righteousness and his witness.

11. For thy name's sake, O Lord, forgive me my sin, (for) it is very great.

12. Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will appoint (the) law for him in the way which he has chosen.

13. His soul will be in good things; and his seed will inherit the earth. 14. The Lord is the strength of those that fear him ; and the name of the Lord, to those that fear him, is that which tells them of his covenant.

15. My eyes are directed to the Lord at all times; for it is he who will draw my feet out of the snare.

16. Look down upon me and have mercy on me ; for I am an only son , l am poor.

17. The afflictions of my heart have multiplied; lead me forth from my necessities.

18. Look upon my humbleness and my distress, and forgive all my sins.

19. Look upon my enemies, for they have multiplied and they have hated me with an unjust hatred.

20. Guard my soul and save me ; let me not be put to shame for I have hoped in thee.

21. The harmless and the upright have joined themselves to me ; for I have waited upon thee, O Lord.

22. O God, save Israel from all his afflictions' ".

When however Jesus heard the words of Thomas, he said to him : "Excellent, Thomas, and well done. This is the interpretation of the seventh repentance of the Pistis Sophia.

Truly, truly, I say to you that all the generations of the world will bless you upon the earth, because I have revealed this to you, and you have received of my Spirit, and you have become understanding and Pneumatic, since you have understood what I have said. And after this I will fill you with all the light and all the power of the Spirit, so that from this time you will understand all those things which will be said to you, and those things which you will see. Yet a little time and I will speak with you of all the things of the height, from the outer to the inner, and from the inner to the outer.".

CHAPTER 47 Jesus continued again with the discourse, he said to the disciples : "Now it happened when the Pistis Sophia said her seventh repentance in the Chaos, the command, through the First Mystery, that I should save her and bring her up from the Chaos, had not yet come forth to me.

But I of myself, out of compassion, without command, I brought her to a place in the Chaos which was a little wider.

And when the material emanations of the Authades knew she had been brought to a place in the Chaos which was a little wider, they ceased a little from oppressing her, thinking she would be brought up from the Chaos completely. Now when these things happened, the Pistis Sophia did not know that it was I who helped her, nor did she know me at all.

But she continued singing praises to the light of the Treasury which she had once seen, and in which she believed. And she thought, furthermore, that it was he who helped her. And it was he to whom she sang praises, thinking that he was the true light. But since she believed in the light which belongs to the true Treasury, for this reason she will be brought up from the Chaos and her repentance will be received. But the ordinance of the First Mystery that her repentance should be received was not yet completed. Therefore hear now, and I will tell you all the things (lit. words) which happened to the Pistis Sophia.

It happened when I brought her to a place in the Chaos, which was a little wider, the emanations of the Authades ceased from oppressing her greatly , thinking she would be brought up from the Chaos completely. Now it happened when the emanations of the Authades knew that the Pistis Sophia was not brought up from the Chaos, they turned again at the same time to oppress her greatly. Because of this she now said the eighth repentance, because they had ceased from oppressing her, and they had turned again to oppress her to the last. She spoke this repentance, saying it thus :

1. 'I have hoped in thee, O Light. Leave me not in the Chaos; save me and deliver me with thy knowledge.

2. Give heed to me and save me. Be to me a Saviour, O Light, and save me and bring me into the presence of thy light.

3. For thou art my Saviour and thou wilt bring me to thy presence. And for the sake of the mystery of thy name, lead me and give me thy mystery. 4. And thou wilt save me as I am ensnared by this lion-faced power; for thou art my Saviour.

5. And I will give what is purified of my light into thy hands; thou hast saved me, O Light, with thy knowledge.

6. Thou hast been angry with those who watch for me, who will not be able to seize me at all. But I have believed in the light.

7. I will rejoice and sing praises, for thou hast had compassion on me ; and thou hast given heed to the oppression in which I am. And thou hast saved me. And also thou wilt deliver my power from the Chaos.

8. And thou didst not leave me to be in the hands of the lion-faced power, but thou hast brought me to a place which is not oppressed'.".


When Jesus had said these things to his disciples, he answered again and said to them : "It happened now when the lion-faced power knew that the Pistis Sophia was not brought up from the Chaos at all, it came again with all the rest of the material/ emanations of the Authades. They oppressed the Pistis Sophia again. Now it happened when they oppressed her, she cried out in this same repentance, in which she spoke thus: 9. Have compassion on me, O Light, for they have oppressed me again. The light within me has been agitated on account of thy ordinance; and my power and my understanding (mind).

10. My power has begun to decrease while I am in these oppressions; and the reckoning of my time while I am in the Chaos. My light has diminished, for they have taken away my power from me, and all the powers within me have been shaken.

11. I have become powerless before 1 all the archons of the aeons which hate me, and before the 24 emanations in whose places I was. And my brother, my partner, feared to help me, on account of those among whom I was held.

12. And all the archons of the height have reckoned me to be matter without light in it. I have become like a material power which has fallen out of the archons.

13. And all those who were in the aeons said : she has become Chaos. And after this the merciless powers surrounded me at the same time, and spoke to take away all my light that was in me.

14. But I trusted thee, O Light, and I said : thou art my Saviour.

15. And my ordinance which thou hast ordained for me is in thy hands; save me from the hands of the emanations of the Authades which oppress me and pursue after me.

16. Send down thy light upon me, for I am nothing before thee; and save me in thy compassion.

17. Let me not be despised, for thou art he to whom I have sung praises, O Light. May the Chaos cover over the emanations of the Authades, and may they be cast down to the darkness. 18. May the mouth be shut of those who, with cunning, want to swallow me ; who say : let us take away all the light within her, although I have done nothing wicked to them'." .


When, however, Jesus had said these things, Matthew came forward and said : "My Lord, thy Spirit has moved me, and thy light has made me sober, so that I should tell the eighth repentance of the Pistis Sophia. For thy power once prophesied about it through David, in the 30th Psalm, saying :

1. 'I have hoped in thee, O Lord. Let me not be put to shame for ever; save me in thy righteousness.

2. Incline thine ear to me; save me quickly, be to me a protecting God and a house of refuge to save me.

3. For thou art my support and my refuge; for the sake of thy name thou wilt guide me and nourish me.

4. And thou wilt bring me forth from this snare which they have hidden for me, for thou art my protector.

5. I will give up my spirit into thy hands. Thou hast saved me, O Lord, God of truth.

6. Thou hast hated those who idly keep to what is vain.

But I have trusted; 7. And I will rejoice over the Lord , and I will be glad over thy mercy; for thou hast looked upon my humbleness, and thou hast saved my soul out of my necessities.

8. Thou hast not shut me in the hands of the enemy ; thou hast set my feet in a wide place.

9. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted; my eye is I troubled with anger; and my soul and my belly.

10. For my years have been spent in distress and my life has been spent in groanings; my power has become weak in poverty, and my bones are troubled.

11. I have become a reproach to all my enemies and my neighbors. I have become a fear to those that know me, and those that saw me ran away from me.

12. I have been forgotten like a corpse in their hearts; and I have become like a broken vessel.

13. I have heard contempt from many at my side who surrounded me ; when they gathered together against me, they took counsel to take away my soul from me.

14. But I have trusted thee, O Lord, I have said : thou art my God.

15. My lots are in thy hands; save me from the hand of my enemies, and deliver me from those that persecute me.

16. Reveal thy face over thy servant, and save me in thy mercy, O Lord.

17. Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried to thee; let the impious be put to shame and turned to Amente.

18. Let the cunning lips be dumb, who speak iniquity against the righteous with pride and contempt'.".




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[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

"1."O Light, who hast helped me, may thy light come down upon me.

2. For thou art my shelter and I come to thee, O Light, believing in thee, O Light."
- Ó, Fény, aki segített nekem, lejöhet fényed rám.
Mert te a menedékem vagy és jövök hozzád, Ó Fény, hiszek benned, Ó Fény!

a Pistis Sophia 2. könyvéből


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

'O Light, I have raised up my power to thee, my Light.'
- Ó, Fény, felemeltem erőmet hozzád, Fényem!
itt is megtalálhatóak az imádságok, ám a fordításokat ismét felírom holnapra!


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