Juji: Pistis Sophia II. könyv - Ima a Fények Fényéhez


Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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  • Képek - 4511 db
  • Videók - 870 db
  • Blogbejegyzések - 2008 db
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 Chapter 77

The First Mystery however spoke to the disciples of all these events, for they happened to the Pistis Sophia. And he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, speaking all these words in the midst of the disciples. He continued again however, he said to them: "But it happened again after all these things, as I was in the world of mankind, as I was sitting by the wayside that is this place, namely the  Mount of Olives, before I had yet been sent my garment - which I had left behind in the 24th mystery from within, but the first from without, which is the great incomprehensible one in which I shone - and before I went to the height to receive my second garment, as I was sitting before you in this place which is the Mount of Olives,  the time was completed of which I had spoken to the Pistis Sophia thus: "Adamas and all his archons will oppress thee."

Now it happened when that time came - I however was in the world of mankind, sitting before you in this place which is the Mount of Olives - Adamas looked forth from the twelve Aeons. He looked down to the places of the Chaos, he saw his demonic power which was in the Chaos with no light at all in it, for I had taken away its light from it. And he saw it, that it was dark and not able to come to his place, namely the twelve aeons. Adamas again remembered Pistis Sophia and he was exceedingly angry with her,  for he thought that it was she who had restraned his power in the Chaos, and he thought that it was she who had taken away its light from it (the power of Adamas). And he was very wrathful and added anger to anger. He emanated forth a dark emanation and another chaotic and wicked one which was powerful, so that through them he should agitate the Pistis Sophia. And he created a dark place in his place, so that he should oppress the Sophia within it. And he took many of his archons, they pursued the Pistis Sophia to bring her to the dark Chaos which he had created. And the two dark emanations which Adamas had emanated oppressed her in that place, and they agitated
her until they took away all her light from her. And Adamas took the light of the Pistis Sophia , and he gave it to the two dark and powerful emanations to take to the great Chaos which is chaotic, so that perhaps it (the power) would be able to come to his place, for it had become very dark because I had taken away its light-power from it. Now it happened when they pursued the Pistis Sophia, she cried out again, she sang praises to the light since I had said to her: "When thou art oppressed and dost praise me, I will come in haste to help thee."

Now it happened when she was oppressed - but I sat before you in this place which is the Mount of Olives - she sang praises to the light, saying:

1. O Light of Lights, I have believed in thee. Save me from all these archons which pursue me, and help me.
2. Lest they take away my light from me, like the lion-faced power, for thy light and thy outpouring are not with me to save me. Rather Adamas was angry with me, saying to me: It is thou who hast restrained my power in the Chaos.
3. Now O Light of Lights, If I have done this - If I have restrained it, If I have done anything unjust to that power.
4. If I have oppressed it as it has oppressed me - may all these archons which pursue me take my light from me and leave me empty.
5. And may the enemy Adamas pursue my power and seize it and take away my light  from me, and cast it into his dark power which is in the Chaos; and  may he place my power in the Chaos.
6. Now O Light, seize me in thy anger, and raise thy power against my enemies which has risen against me at last.
7. Save me quickly, according to what thou hast said: "I will help thee.".







Ez egy válasz üzenetére.



[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

" I will say that thou art the light which is on high, for thou didst save me, and thou hast brought me to thyself. And thou didst not allow the emanations of the Authades, which are my enemies, to take away my light.
O Light of Lights, I have sung praises to thee; thou hast saved me.
O Light, thou hast brought my power up from the Chaos, thou hast saved me from among those that go down to the darkness."

Azt fogom mondani, hogy te vagy a fény, amely a magasságban van, mert Te megmentettél engem, és te hoztál magadhoz.
És nem engedted a világi hatalmak kisugárzását, ami az ellenségeim, hogy elvegye a fényemet.
Ó Fények Fénye, már énekeltem dicséreteket neked, te mentettél meg engem.
Ó Fény, te hoztad erőmet fel a Káoszból, s te mentettél meg mindattól, hogy a sötétségbe merüljek.


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

".Ó, Fények Fénye, én bízom benned. Ments meg mindezen arkhónoktól, amelyek űznek engem, és segíts rajtam.
Különben elveszik a fényt tőlem, mint oroszlán-arcú hatalom, a te fényed és a kiáradásod most nincs velem, hogy megmentsen. Inkább Adamas haragudott rám, és így szólt hozzám: Te voltál az, ki visszatartotta erőmet a káoszban.
Most, Ó, Fények Fénye, ha ezt megtettem - ha én azt visszatartottam, ha tettem valami igazságtalant a hatalmával szemben.
Ha elnyomtam, az nyomott el engem - mindezen arkhónok, amelyek űznek engem, elvehetik tőlem a fényt és hagyjanak üresen.
És az Adamas ellenség űzi a hatalmamat, és megragadja azt, és elveszik tőlem a fényt, és bevetik a sötét erőbe, amely a Káoszban van, és elhelyezi a ott.
Most, Ó Fény, ragadd meg a haragod és emeljen fel az erőd az ellenségeim ellen végre, akik ellenem emelkedtek fel.
Ments meg gyorsan, miszerint mondtad: "Majd én segítek neked.".


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

szia Vili!
köszönöm szépen!:)


[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 15 éve

a kép feletti ima nyers fordítása:
1.Ó, Fények Fénye, én hittem benned. Ments meg mindezen arkhónoktól, amelyek űznek engem, és segíts nekem.
2. Különben elveszi a fényt tőlem, mint az oroszlán-arcú hatalom, a te fényed és a kiáradásod nincs velem, hogy megmentsen engem. Inkább Adamas haragudott rám, és így szólt hozzám: Ez te voltál, aki visszatartotta erőmet a káoszban.
3. Most, Ó, Fények Fénye, Ha ezt megtettem - Ha én azt visszatartottam, ha tettem valami igazságtalant a hatalmával szemben.
4. Ha elnyomtam azt, az nyomott el engem - lehet mindezek arkhónok, amelyek űznek engem, vedd el tőlem a fényt és hagyj üresen.
5. És az ellenség Adamas űzi a hatalmamat, és megragadja azt, és elveszik tőlem a fényt, és bevetik a sötét erőbe, amely a Káoszban van, és elhelyezi a ott.
6. Most, Ó Fény, ragadd meg a haragod és emelje fel az erőd az ellenségeim ellen, akik ellenem emelkedtek fel végül.
7. Ments meg gyorsan, mi szerint mondtad: "Majd én segítek neked.".


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Szólj hozzá te is!

Network.hu Kft.

E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu