Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Kis türelmet...
you see Dieter Marzinger, the 39 year old quadriplegic from Pretoria
South Africa, then you know what gratitude means. Or does Dieter remind
you of how grateful you should be? This story today is not about being
grateful or not – even if it reminds you of that. This story is about
your agreement with God.
Dieter was a very active man before he became inactive. His story is one of courage and healing. He lost his freedom in all possible ways. Today he just manages to keep the paint brush in his mouth. He gladly tells you how painting healed his wounds. The man is an inspiration.
All his freedom was taken away. The physical freedom we tend to value, but there’s more….. From an energy angle he may even be more capable than most of us. He is sharing love, he is healing and he is an inspiration.
Dieter is blessed with an inability. I am not saying this easily and I have asked God, “God, I am sure that you chose only strong people to experience such humiliation and dependence.” One of my fears is dependence.
I have always resisted authority as it inhibited my freedom. I never wanted others to make decisions for me. But to get what I thought I wanted I had to subject myself to authority. This contradictory choice between an apparent dream under authority and my freedom was never easy. Many people would say that I am irresponsible to choose freedom. If I have a choice for security and freedom I choose freedom. But today I am confronted with Dieter, who’s freedom was taken away. Who took it away? God?
I believe Dieter is responsible as he made an agreement with God and all of us. Today I am using Dieter as the example as his case is extreme and we may not easily see the contract in our own lives. We have also made such a contract with God.
Let me get back to my story.
The pain I experienced under authority drove me to seek independence. But can we ever be independent? We are all connected. The spider reminds us of how connected we are, through a web of consciousness. The spider has eight feet and if you turn 8 on its side you get the infinity sign ∞. We are infinitely connected to infinite consequences. Therefore, being independent should not be a goal of anyone because we can only be interdependent; we are unable to survive without each other. We are also unable to heal without each and everyone getting involved.
This brings me back to our contract with God; I believe we have all made a contract with each other and the Universe. We did it as a collective consciousness and between souls – however you want to define a soul.
The contract said:
I will meet you, and you’ll become a quadriplegic.
I now have a choice to react to your situation, the way we react will be part of the learning for both of us and the rest of the connected Universe.
I may have an issue with compassion, but because I love you I am now confronted with an you the new invalid. I have to choose between compassion and walking away. Everyday I see you I am reminded of you as an invalid. You have also taken away my freedom. I now need to care for you.
[By The Way: Who in his right mind would agree to such a contract? It seems to me that we have all done it.]
On the other hand – God said that you’ll be strong enough – stronger than the rest of us – you’ll be an invalid. Obviously here on earth you don’t know this. You have forgotten all about this and you have to dig deep to find it…very deep.
Now that you are stealing other people’s freedom and you choose to be the victim. We both dance to the same tune. And the more you feel victimized the more I reject your pathetic figure. The music of death becomes louder as we embrace in the dark dance.
You know that it takes two to dance.
Then you, “the pathetic invalid,” decide to play another tune. You have dug deeper than the rest of us.. remembering that God said you are strong. Your contract said that you have a purpose. And the skeptic within you hears, ”an invalid with a purpose? You must be joking”.
You know that on an energetic level you have everything. Everything! You have love! You can share love. And you are connected to the consciousness grid – the infinite web of Grace.
day you decide to share love you awaken your light and the dark room
becomes light. The whole room fills with your light. The light shines
through and spreads across the Universe. Where there’s a light there
is no darkness…have you tried to make darkness while the light is on.
It’s impossible.
You may be an invalid but no one can take away your light!
You give your light oxygen – take a deep breath – and flame burns higher.
You have no expectations -you just share your light.
You image the light in your heart.
The light lights up your body and the room.
Your light spreads around the Universe.
As your light spreads it heals through the infinite connected web.
Every time you light the light in your heart you also heal the connections, and as you heal the connections the web gets stronger. That’s your purpose.
The next time I see you, I will know that you have changed…. my pathetic dancing partner does not exists anymore. What has changed? God knows? True, but you also know.
You are lying in your bed with a paint brush in your mouth. You are healing us all, you are contributing to a better Universe. And everyone around you has made an agreement to be with you, even if they blame you. It’s not their reaction that’s important it’s your choice to play the music. Dieter has chosen to heal and share love.
To share love is easy and it’s free. All you have to do is to image the light being awoken in your heart, imagine how love lights the room, the Universe. And be aware of your contract.
Let Go and Let God.
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu