Juji: Shedding Light


Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet

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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
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Yu Világnak Világosságóceánja
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Shedding Light

14 éve | [Törölt felhasználó] | 1 hozzászólás

In the Beginning: Shedding Light on Creation

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:1-3 KJV)

Primordial Quasar (courtesy of NASA)

In the first three verses of Genesis, we have the order of initial creation. God first establishes that He created everything, and then He proceeds to reveal the secret of how He did it, a secret scientists are just now unraveling.

According to creation scientists, the void in Genesis 1:2 was a point before space and time, the zero-point energy state. It has been described as being transparent, pressure-less, dense, and fluid. This zero-point energy state is the “waters” that existed prior to the formation of the space-time bubble of the universe, which was created by the Holy Spirit moving over “the face of the deep.” Into this bubble, an acoustic-pressure wave (God’s voice) caused a rapid expansion and contraction of the bubble, which raised temperatures so high that a plasma energy state was formed and a “background sea” of light was created. All matter came forth from this background sea of light and sound. In fact, an image of this is called the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).1

This is not merely unsubstantiated theory but can be supported by recent scientific research. Over the past several decades, the process of creating light from sound has been reproduced in a laboratory. By putting a compression wave of sound through a bubble of fluid, scientists have witnessed short flashes of light as well as the plasma that was produced.2

In 1997, physicists actually produced matter from pure light. Very simply, a beam of high-energy electrons travelling close to the speed of light was aimed at a beam of very dense photons. The collision caused photons to be knocked backwards into other photons, which created electrons and positrons (matter).3

This year, scientists have discovered that light not only can create matter, it can also bend it. They assembled flat strings of nanoparticles which they subjected to light in a darkened laboratory. The light excited the electrons in the nanoparticles, which caused a chemical reaction that increased their negative charge. The increase in negative charge caused the nanoparticles to repel each other and bend.4

If mere human beings can produce light from sound and can utilize light to create or manipulate matter, why is it so difficult to believe that God, who IS light (I John 1:5), spoke the universe into being according to the Genesis account? A hundred years ago, scientists would’ve scoffed at the idea of light being produced from sound. Fifty years ago, they would never have believed that matter could be created from light. Only a few months ago, scientists were surprised that light could bend matter. What scientific discoveries are yet to be made that could further substantiate the creation account? Only time will tell.


1 And God Said, Let There Be Light”: The Big Bang, Creation, and Acoustics
2 Sonoluminescence Experiment: Sound into Light
3 Out of Pure Light, Physicists Create Particles of Matter
4 Light Bends Matter, Surprising Scientists






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[Törölt felhasználó] üzente 14 éve

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