Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Világnak Világosságóceánja
a Tiszta Fényű Szeretet
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
Apokrif-iratok vezetője
Amennyiben már tag vagy a Networkön, lépj be itt:
Kis türelmet...
1. The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizingo him, thru the power of the Meaning1 who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior—that being the name of the task which he is to do for the atonement of those who had been unacquainted with the Name of the Father. (Mt 1:21, Jn 17, Ac 4:12; 1Logos)
2. Now, the Gospel is the revelation of the hopeful, it is the finding of themselves by those who seek him.
The essence of the spiritual path is the Light of God,
blazing and shining across the heavens
Its flame begins within the heart of man,
after much suffering and pain
When the joys of spirit move man from within
And his heart is cleansed by love of the divine
Then does this flame begin to grow,
shining out across the world
Pure love, divine ecstasy, which blazes the spirit into life
Causing the soul to be a pure channel for God's holy radiance
Turning the self into a shining cobweb, sparkling with dew
O blazing light, whose rainbows lighten up the darkness with God
O holy light, who in mercy doth descend to the heart of man
Come down!
Amitabha Unification Sadhana
Yutang Lin
Preliminaries Arrange offerings as usual. Do prostration three times. Regular Practice Ascend the seat and practice in accordance with the sadhana as follows:
1. Motivation Fold palms together and sincerely recite: In a blink the swift changes of impermanence may arrive, Sentient beings are drifting in the ocean of suffering, This altruistic session born of sober clarity is all too precious, For all beings this sadhana is practiced to realize Amitabha.
"Mert ami az Isten felől tudható, nyilván van ő bennük; mert az Isten megjelentette nékik. Mert ami Istenben láthatatlan, tudniillik az ő örökkévaló hatalma és istensége, a világ teremtésétől fogva az ő alkotásaiból megértetvén megláttatik." Róma 1,19-20
A fenti szavak gondolkodásra, állásfoglalásra késztetik az embert. A Biblia szerint senki sem mentegetőzhet, hogy nem volt alkalma megismerni Isten hatalmát és fenségességét, mivel ezek az isteni sajátosságok világosan láthatók a természet világában.
Robert Graves angol történész szerint kb. 3000 évvel ezelőtt
elkezdődött, és a teljes szemléletváltással végződött az a folyamat,
melyben a nő-központú műveltséget felváltotta a ,,hím-elv" uralma, és lassan eltűntek az emberi boldogság eléréséhez szükséges ismeretek belső érzelmi folyamatainkról.
ősi harcról szólnak egyes mítoszok, lásd az olimposzi férfiistenek
harcát, a Földanya titán és gigász gyermekeivel. Az eseményeket
megörökítő képi ábrázolások, rejteki, szimbolikus módon adnak hírt, a
történeti folyamatokról.
13 éve | [Törölt felhasználó] | 0 hozzászólás
2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!
my regards to all of you guys... You are all wonderful and shine like a stars. Jazzgad, Unlimited mind, Lightbeing, Truthseeker360...the list is long
and everyone else, you are all great! the file but I’m sure it will be wonderful. |
The 4th Spiritual Awakening Festival and the worldwide Light work
The New Coming Period…
Lord Melchizedek through Frixos Christodoulou
Beloved children of the heart of God, this is Lord Melchizedek, your Universal Logos, of this galaxy of the Cosmos Universe.
During the days of the August full moon many lightworkers run to service of the Light, of Father and Mother God of the Universe Cosmos. This period you are going through as humanity, you are going through a phase of atomic transmutation.
Your Agreement with God – by Johan Horak
When you see Dieter Marzinger, the 39 year old quadriplegic from Pretoria South Africa, then you know what gratitude means. Or does Dieter remind you of how grateful you should be? This story today is not about being grateful or not – even if it reminds you of that. This story is about your agreement with God.
Dieter was a very active man before he became inactive. His story is one of courage and healing. He lost his freedom in all possible ways.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. -1 John 5-7
That verse seems simple enough to understand…God is Light…no darkness or gray areas with Him at all…and if we claim to have fellowship with Him, then we should be reflecting that very same light. In the midst of all of our finger pointing and heresy hunting we tend to overlook this simple litmus test of our relationship with God.
THE POWER WITHIN - If we go down deeply inside ourselves, Ernest Holmes the creator of Science of Mind says, we will bump into God. Where else are we going to find God except deep down inside ourselves? Until we understand that, we are working with just the power of our own two hands. We can get some things accomplished. We can function. We can pay our bills. We can stay alive.
POWER AND WISDOM - When we connect to the power within ourselves, we will lead lives that are full and creative and juicy and alive and powerful. We will accept that we are at-one with God, and we will be able to access that power and wisdom. When we recognize that the power exists, and identify that power inside ourselves, it makes a tremendous difference in our lives. It makes God utterly real. It takes God out of the realm of the abstract concepts and makes God a living God inside us; moving through us, being us.
Invocation to the Great Cosmic Light
Beloved Glorious I AM Presence, Light of my soul, may the Light of Cosmic Illumination, the Light of Cosmic Victory and Love be poured into the Earth from all available Sources, like the Light of a thousand suns to permeate the atmosphere of Earth, to saturate all Her people and Her many kingdoms.
May all negativity, illusion, glamour and karma be transmuted by this Great Cosmic Light of God that never fails.
May the Great Golden Age of enlightenment, love, peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all be established now upon our dear planet by the action of this Great Cosmic Light.
The Concept of Being a Lightworker
By Dr. Paul E Jones
Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all. Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, "Am I aware of who I am?" Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the answer to that question. Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view.
In the Beginning: Shedding Light on Creation
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:1-3 KJV)
In the first three verses of Genesis, we have the order of initial creation. God first establishes that He created everything, and then He proceeds to reveal the secret of how He did it, a secret scientists are just now unraveling.
Az öt lépés:
A látomás a tudat ( vision is mind)
A tudat üres ( mind is empty)
Az üresség tiszta fény ( emptiness is clear light)
A tiszta fény egység ( clear light is union)
Az egység nagy gyönyör ( union is great bliss)
Az öt lépés szorosan összefügg, s pontos bevezetést ad a tudat természetébe, ami maga a nagy tökély (dzogcsen). Először érdemes fogalmilag megértenünk, hogy miről van szó, ily módon tanításként szolgál, de az elsődleges feladata az, hogy meditációs gyakorlatként alkalmazzuk.
The Ascension Lightship-Calling All Lightworkers to Action
From John Jay Harper, author of the recently published "Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1, KJV)
Former U.S. Marine and author Edward Arnold asks in 2012: Year of the Apocalypse, "After 2012, will the people of the world be ready to rely … on themselves … be ready to understand that the ‘power of god’ is within one’s own self?" By all indications, we are walking a slippery slope, teetering on the edge of the abyss right now.
"Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far
greater function than guardianship and bearings of messages
...Angels are conscious Beings of the Divine Essence of the key
frequency for assisting humanity evolve... and that is Love...
LOVE is a complex science... we realize that the idea of angels
being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you.
We are smiling!...
Egy régi cikket teszek be ide 1981-ből, ami szerintem mindenképpen elgondolkoztató.
Sokan azt gondolják, hogy 2012-ben valami csoda fog történni. Ez a cikk arról szól, hogy 2012-ben belépünk a 2000 év világosság szakaszába, amit csillagászati megfigyelésekkel is alátámaszt. Érdekes, hogy sok nép mitológiájában van erre célzás.
Ír árvizekről is, mint a korszakváltás velejárója. Ha körül nézel, már szinte nap, mint nap láthatod, hogy mekkora árvizek vannak világ szerte.
Figyelj rám én népem,
És fordítsd felém hallásodat!
Emeld tekinteted az Egekre,
És nézd meg a földet alattad:
Mert az Egek elenyésznek, mint a füst,
És a Föld kivénhed, mint a köntös,
És azok, akik ott lakoznak,
Hasonlóképpen halnak el:
De az én birodalmam fennáll mindörökké,
És Törvényem soha meg nem szűnik.
És azon a napon a pokol kiterjeszti önmagát,
És hatalmas száját óriásra tátja:
És a gonoszok dicsősége, büszkesége, és pompája
Nyomtalanul belevész.
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@network.hu
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